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Karie's Guestbook

shadow66Sep 14, 2008

Well, thank you very much for 'allowing' me some time to get it finished - that's very kind of you! \:rolleyes: \:P Yep, all my stuff is FREE - and worth every penny!! \:D \:D If you've 'grabbed' all my cute stuff, then that should keep you going for a little while surely! I do have other things to do such as eat, sleep, & go to work you know - that takes up quite a lot of time! \:\( I'm gonna have a go at doing a 2nd set of bedding for it, & re-doing the toybox first, then depending on how they come out, I'll either upload it as it stands or add in the new bits as well - that might not be til tomorrow now though coz after you lot keeping on about Pogo, I decided to check it out & I found a few games I quite like! \;\) \:o So when everyone starts on at me, I can blame you for leading me astray!! \:eek\: \:o Hee-Hee! \:P BTW, I've become immune to foot & finger tapping - that's what happens when subjected to it as much as I've been! \:P \:D

shadow66Sep 14, 2008

You know you WERE winning the 'Lesser of the Two Evils' battle ... til I read the 2nd line - 'taps foot, checks time' ..... do I need to continue?! Now where, and from who, do I frequently get those sorts of message?! - Aaaaah! it's Laurie MK2! \:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\: Anyway, glad you like it - I'm still not totally convinced, but the feedback I have received has been positive, so I probably will upload it at some stage (still got all the previews & packing to do, so it won't be immediately - you'll just have to learn 'patience' (just like somebody else we both know!! \;\) \:P ). Enjoy playing with Laurie's sims - you know you could always turn them into evil witches/warlocks & send them back! \;\) \:P Hee-Hee! \:D

LaurieRSep 13, 2008

You have terribly lame excuses. I am glad that germ followed you!! You deserve it!!!\:P \:D

WarrayfinsonSep 13, 2008

Hey, thanks for commenting on my story. Sadly though, there isn't going to be a part 2. I wanter the viewers to make there own ending, if you knwo what I mean. Don't hate me for it, please! Thanks again! Keep Creating!!\:D \;\) \:\)

LaurieRSep 12, 2008

Yes, that movie is funny. You COULD have called and told me that you were going to watch that instead of CALL ME BACK!!! This is becoming a bad habit with you two!! Yes, Hiedi has done it too. You guys say you will call back and then NEVER do!!!\:mad\: Very irritating. So, I went to bed.\:P If you don't sim tonight I am going to send some germy thing through the mail for you!!!!!\:D

LaurieRSep 12, 2008

You WANT to DIE don't you?!\:eek\: \:mad\: What do you remember of my day exactly?! Except for when the boys are in school now... thank goodness.... my day is busy tracking down all the disasters they create!!!! I am NOT going to learn how to mesh. Get over it!!\:P \:D

hiedibear75Sep 12, 2008

I think she should move her butt back out here too. \;\) \:cool\: I KNEW IT! \:P I knew you were singing it in your head. \:ph34r\: Yeah they're worse than you......they're an exaggerated more obnoxious version of you.....but there is still just the slightest hint of you there. \:cool\: I've got it writing. \:cool\: My Sims & will anxiously be awaiting your arrival home from work. \:rah\: SIM U L8R. \:wub\:

qvisnSep 12, 2008

Sorry but it was you, i think she got excited showing her holiday pics and didnt realise she put it in. be forgiving, you know you love her really.\:P

shadow66Sep 12, 2008

Hey! Where did I say Laurie was nice? \:confused\: Well, maybe a while back when you were with her, so she wasn't taking things out on me - but that's all changed now! \:\( You HAVE to go back!!! \:D Anyway, I was supporting & encouraging you - if you read my last post in her GB (instead of copying & pasting identical messages about Donny Osmond everywhere! \:o \:P ). Sorry, I don't do meshes - wish I could, but unfortunately I haven't got that far yet and, if I'm honest, I probably never will! \:\( I saw some toddlers somewhere (pretty sure it was on here) that had curly hair - think it was for the clothes they were wearing, but you could always ask where the hair came from (might even have been 'Evi', but don't hold me to that! \:P ). So you're back Simming again now then? Cracked under the persistent pressure of the 'Anti-Pogo Alliance'! \:o \:P \:D

LaurieRSep 11, 2008

I am not moving back there in this lifetime or the next!! Get it out of your head. Meshes...... yeah right. HELLO!!! I don't know how to do that stuff!! I haven't even had time to learn recolors. Figure it out yourself.\:P \:D

twinkletoeSep 10, 2008

Hello, Yep I'm still here. Just havn't had much time to play. Yes we are going to be heading to D-land on Oct. 19th. We don't plan on renting a car so we will be only staying around Disney\:\( No plans for San Diego Zoo\:\( We have never taken the kids so we figure they will be busy enough with Disney. We plan on doing the Mickey breakfast and Ariel lunch and the Halloween Party at Disney so that will be fun\;\) Plus none of us have seen California Adventure\:D I go the pics of your trip. I'm glad you had a great time.\:D

LaurieRSep 10, 2008

So, come back and enjoy my air!!! There is room for you..... just move. Kentucky is lovely!!!\:wub\: \:D

Wolfsim68Sep 10, 2008

Hey Karie! Been having a blast of late - with Spore, the new buidl items in Apartment Life & I also have a new man in my life. I tell you I haven't laughed this much in a long time! Think of a male version of me... then amp it up a bit - & you've got Terry! I tell you I met him 2 days ago & he's already decided he wants me to move in. My best friend Louise has been absolutely cackling with laughter! I now understand why she says I'm so full on - because after meeting Terry & now know what I must seem like! \:D \:D \:D Take care & lots of love & hugs to you, yours & LaurieR's! \:wub\: Shaz

LaurieRSep 9, 2008

Well, you need to keep your mind on that WORK thing! We were running errands and covering Arianna with more chocolate pudding, then soccer and McDonalds! Wow! How exciting! I just LOVE McD's! NOT! It doesn't like my tummy. I met a guy with Shriners. Call me later. I have a lot to tell!\:D

qvisnSep 9, 2008

Thanks for looking at our pics, we got very wet and i had to turn the heating on at night as it was so cold.\:D

qvisnSep 9, 2008

Thank you for the wonderful photos of Adrianna and her family, no wonder shes cute, look at her mum and dad, and the boys are adorable little monkeys. I have sent you the family again so you can play in apartments if you like and scrap the house. Im glad you got home safe and hope it wont be too long before you go again.\:wub\:

qvisnSep 6, 2008

I got AP when i was away but havnt put it in yet, i have been dying to try it but must answer all my messages first.\:D

qvisnSep 6, 2008

Im home again, last vacation this year.\:\( I hope you are enjoying yours. I met Jane,(cariadbach) and went for lunch, it was awesome. pics in our blogs. It rained so much all week and i am glad to be back at my PC, i really must get a laptop before i go away again.\:P

Elena.Sep 3, 2008

Hey Karie! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: It was sooo nice to see your comment! I miss you a lot you know \:\( ! I hope you are having a great time and that when you return we'll have a chance to chat \:D Hugs \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 1, 2008

IF you WANT to see it......go looking through my screens. \:cool\: Otherwise I'll let YOU to be the one to discover things. \;\) Since you're usually never able to install games until a day or 2 after we've gotten them......I'll leave it to you to decide. \:D

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