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Karie's Guestbook

shadow66Oct 3, 2008

I had that where it wasn't recognising my FT disc - kept saying 'please insert the original and not a copy' - err, hello, it IS the original, I don't have a copy! - stupid thing! \:mad\: For some reason it wasn't auto-running, so I just created a new shortcut on my desktop and used that - sometimes it took 3 or 4 goes before it would recognise the disc, but it always got there .....eventually! \:rolleyes: Even now with AL, I still have to start it from the shortcut, but at least it runs 1st time! \:D So have patience (I know that doesn't exist in your world! \:o \:P ), but it does get there if you persevere! \;\) \:D

hiedibear75Oct 3, 2008

So where is YOUR Sim infant that will be completing all these tasks? \;\) The ONLY thing accomplished by all those stinkin days is they get a higher relationship with their parents. \:P But I'll do it all over again if you'll take my body for the next couple days. \:ph34r\: Just think......you can stay in bed all day and get room service. \;\) What do ya say? \:D Deal? \:\) Anyway I'm fairly sure that Laurie did the same thing started hers off as a toddler (thought I could be wrong) so neh. :P

shadow66Oct 2, 2008

It sounds like you're BOTH as bad as each other really! \:eek\: \:D Ok, so what happened with the fire dept? - you didn't try and bbq each other did you?! \:eek\: that IS going a bit far! \:o \:P It's standard practice to pull someone over when you're ice skating, just so's you don't look like the only dork with a cold, wet butt! \:o \:P I started the challenge btw \;\) - haven't had time to get very far yet, but hopefully I'll get another couple of hours in tonight! \:cool\: So how far have YOU got?! YOU really need to set an example you know! \:D \:wub\:

LaurieROct 2, 2008

I am NOT moving into a hospital! I resist doing that. Thanks.\:D

qvisnOct 2, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my Bigfoot glitch, im glad he made you laugh.\:P

cinderellimouseOct 1, 2008

It was very nice of her to share that germ with you... she could have kept it all to herself! \:D \:D Glad to hear you're well again, I know how evil asthma is... I had it when I was little. Uuuuughhhhh.... excercise? Don't make me think about it!!! \:\( You're a much better behaved than me when it comes to excersise (hmmm... I even seem to have forgotton how to spell the naughty word!), Pete keeps trying to talk me into going swimming but the thought of lumbering up to the pool like a giant whale is a bit off-putting. \:D I've got to have another scan because of my low-lying placenta on the 10th of november (I think) so I'll post a pic if I get one. The pictures from my last scan weren't very clear (Georgia wasn't behaving) so I didn't bother putting them on. My maternity leave starts on the 8th of November so I'm all excited and a bit scared because everything's happening so quickly!!! \:eek\: \:eek\: \:eek\:

qvisnOct 1, 2008

Come and see my Bigfoot screenies,funny.\:P

hiedibear75Oct 1, 2008

See THIS....this is ONE of the reasons we say you ARE E-V-I-L EVIL! \:mad\: You're more sadistic than Laurie......at least she only tortures SIMS. \:P Say at the end do we get to have a tar & feather Karie party? \:ph34r\: Just kidding......I don't know where any tar is, although I could get some feathers next door at Patty's. \:D Ya know you COULD always TRY the challenge. \;\)

LaurieRSep 30, 2008

YOU ARE SUCH A BRAT!! I am glad you lost 15 minutes!! That is 8 more minutes lost than me!!!!\:D

shadow66Sep 30, 2008

Oh right, so you just make them as difficult as possible, then don't even have the guts to complete them! \:o - but you know what: "It'll be no bed of roses, No pleasure cruise - I consider it a challenge before the whole human race, And I aint gonna lose! Coz I am the champion my friend, And I'll keep on fighting til the end, I am the champion, I am the champion, No time for losers coz I am the champion .... of the challenge!" - you start mp3-ing at me and you'll get it right back at ya! \:P \:D LOL - and don't you dare say you don't know that one! Probably won't be able to start on it til the weekend - I've got that horrible 'W' place interferring with my life too! \:\( So all they've got to do is achieve as many things as possible, yes? Are we allowed to use the elixir or is it supposed to be a 'natural' lifespan? \;\) \:D P.S. - who said anything about feeling sorry for Laurie? - not me! \:o \:P \:D

shadow66Sep 29, 2008

Awww! sending poor Lolo sim pics when you know she can't play - that's EVIL!!! ..... Well Done!! \:cool\: \:P LOL \:D Yeah, I've had Jess since she was 5wks old - the cutest little bundle of fluff ever \:wub\: - she'll be 16 on Dec 16th - and her 'hubby' is 15 too, so I guess they haven't done too bad - doesn't make it any easier though! \:\( Glad you've finally got your game working \:cool\: \:D \:rah\: - have fun, & try not to break it again! \;\) \:D

cinderellimouseSep 29, 2008

HHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! \:D \:D \:D Yippie my internet is up and running again and I can come out to play!!! I moved house so it took a while to get the internet re-connected. We were going to move anyway because the flat we were in wasn't big enough and we'd started looking... AND THEN!!!... water started pouring in through the celing every time it rained and it was running down the walls near electrical sockets and the carpet was soaking wet constantly and the estate agents were useless! Basically someone had started a fire on the roof of the building we were living in and it had made a hole and that was where the water was coming through but as the building was listed (I don't know if you have 'listed' buildings over there but it basically means a building of historical value that is protected and you have to apply to have work done to it) the only people who were allowed to fix the hole were the local council who couldn't come out for a month!!! So were were expected to live in a soaking wet flat for a month!!! I had a big huff and stopped paying the rent and we had to find somewhere else to live as quickly as possible, so I was really stressed about it all and when we finally found a house we liked it took ages to move in because they wanted so much paperwork. Phew! I feel stressed again just thinking about it! We're all settled in our new house now though and we're really happy! \:D \:rah\: Flat Bob is doing great as well!!! We're calling her Georgia Ruby I think. She beats me up on a regular basis now... sometimes it actually hurts when she kicks!!! I'm going to miss her when she's not in my belly anymore, can you believe I've only got 10 weeks left!?!?! \:eek\: Anyhoo... what's being happening while I've been away? Have I missed out on any juicy gossip? \:D

LaurieRSep 29, 2008

Hiedi may have suggested it but you are the GUILTY one that DID it!\:P

LaurieRSep 29, 2008

I don't know where Miss Crumplebottom was. I was grateful she wasn't around. It makes it easier to date. The next chapter will have the wedding. I have been working on a lot just for that purpose! You will have to wait like everyone else. I JUST GOT HOME!\:P No, I don't like hanging at the hospital. IT WAS BORING!!!!!!!!!\;\) \:D

LaurieRSep 29, 2008

You accuse Hiedi of rubbing in the sims thing BUT...... who texted me a picture of sims?!\:eek\: \:mad\: LOSER!!! That is rubbing it in way worse than Hiedi!\:P \:D

hiedibear75Sep 29, 2008

Are you insinuating I don't hear a darn thing and sleep like the dead when I swallow my drugs? \:P What can I say......all that shivering......nobody understands me like me heating pad & drugs. \:P LOL \:cool\: Besides......I'm pretty used to you singing while you get ready anyway. \:D L8R. \:wub\: Oh & HOORAY YOU'RE SIMMING!!! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

shadow66Sep 28, 2008

Yeah, I made her go in the garden the 2nd time - she still had twins (cheesecake job! \;\) \:P ) a boy & a girl this time instead of 2 girls! \:D I don't seem to have much luck with the 'move objects' cheat \:\( I've got a bike d/l for the kids (great for fun & body!) so my little brat comes home from school in a foul mood as usual, so I stick him on the bike so he'll do his h/w after, but the little so-n-so got himself stuck in a corner & wouldn't get off the bike! \:mad\: All his needs started going red, so I deleted the bike - leaving him in mid air, still pedalling! \:wacko\: He was still doing it the following morning when he had to go to school (he should have been dead - completely red! \:eek\: ), so I picked him up & plonked him on the bus. The bus left & so did he - completely! \:eek\: (thumbnail disappeared & everything! \:o ). When the bus brought the others home, he wasn't on it, yet the parents couldn't have any more kids even though there was the space where he had been \:confused\: . Anyway, after I quit (& I'd saved it!), the next time I went in, he was back home as though nothing had happened \:confused\: \:wacko\: weird or what?! And I've got another woman who just disappeared from the game for no good reason \:confused\: - freaky! \:eek\: My dogs (I've got 2) are just old, and recently they seem to have started feeling it \:\( One's virtually blind and now his back legs have started giving out on him so he's finding it difficult to get in & out, especially if there's steps, and the other one has started having little 'accidents' everywhere coz she can't seem to control it lately \:\( so I guess I'm going to be spending some time at the vets this week! \:\(

hiedibear75Sep 28, 2008

Ho hum. Is that your best shot? I'm not as easily annoyed as Laurie. Neener neener. Besides......I've sang it just too annoy Laurie. Next. My game will be loaded should you wanna Sim. L8R.

shadow66Sep 27, 2008

I see the 'irritating' is working a treat then!! \:P LOL \:cool\: No, I've not had anything that dramatic happen (yet!) - they just always seem to go to the most awkward of places, even when they've got a perfectly good nursery with cribs to put the babies in! \:wacko\: The last one gave birth in the washroom - put one on the floor in front of the door, had the 2nd, then couldn't move coz it was only a tiny room! No-one could come in to pick the other baby up as it was blocking the door, & she didn't have anywhere to put the one she was holding so she could move the 1st one! The dad & the teen were outside the door, throwing fits coz they couldn't get to the baby, then the mum started throwing a fit coz she was hungry! \:rolleyes: The amusement value wore off very quickly, particularly when both babies 'filled' their nappies & started screaming! \:eek\: I was so tempted just to leave them to it, but I'm too nice for that, and ended up quitting without saving! \:D Sims really can be VERY stupid! \:rolleyes: Anyway, I'm off to finish up those sofas, so have fun, and I'll catch ya later! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Sep 27, 2008

So....LIPREAD? \:P LOL \:cool\: You know I'm ONLY playing with ya. \;\)

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