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Warrayfinson's Guestbook

LivdudeApr 17, 2009

I had a quick program search, nothing has appeared for ZipGenius, i even tried downloading winzip, but it costs $30.00! \:eek\: I can't download anything now until i get ZipGenius \:\( Ok, well i'm going to go get dinner now (we are having takeaway). Hope you had a look at the house on allhomes \:\) ~L~I~V~D~U~D~E~

Rabold8Apr 17, 2009

HaHa!  That is so sweet! \:wub\: The cookie was delicious!  LOL! \:D How have you been?!  Is everything doing better? \:\) So, I submitted the furnished version of the new lot the other day; I am waiting for it to be approved.  This (believe it or not) is actually my favorite lot ever.  It will be in the medditaranian style (the type of design that I have always struggled with), and although it my not be my best, I am proud of it!  LOL! \:D And guess what?!  It is completely Maxis only!!!!! \:D LOL!  What about you?  Anything new planned?  Any AMAZING hair sets? ~Rabold \:wub\: \:D

Rabold8Apr 17, 2009

HaHa!  That is so sweet! \:wub\: The cookie was delicious!  LOL! \:D How have you been?!  Is everything doing better? \:\) So, I submitted the furnished version of the new lot the other day; I am waiting for it to be approved.  This (believe it or not) is actually my favorite lot ever.  It will be in the medditaranian style (the type of design that I have always struggled with), and although it my not be my best, I am proud of it!  LOL! \:D And guess what?!  It is completely Maxis only!!!!! \:D LOL!  What about you?  Anything new planned?  Any AMAZING hair sets? ~Rabold \:wub\: \:D

LivdudeApr 17, 2009

And other thing, how do i make polls on here? Cause i can't seem to do it \:\(

LivdudeApr 17, 2009

We are up at grannys on Tuesday next week. Also, tell your mum ZipGenius is gone, i have no idea where it went!!!! Now all my downloads are gone!! \:\( Can u ask her if i can out it on again when i come on Tuesday?

LivdudeApr 17, 2009

Sounds good \:\) I gave d a plain workbook to write some stories in, he will be putting them up here. I have to help him a bit with grammar and the storyline. I am also working on my story as well, i'll be putting it up on here. It's like the one i showed you at ur place. U should have come up to grannys house this morning, we were there \:\(

LellieGApr 16, 2009

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying my story!! \:wub\: Yeah, I have assignments etcetera too. It really sucks but oh well. \:P \:D

Little Cloud Apr 16, 2009

Ok, I'll tell him. I'm still not quite sure how he wanted me to send those to you, but whatever. As long as you liked them. Me myself, I think the rain is ok, but it depends on the mood I'm in. I mean, sometimes it can be very relaxing just to sit in front of a window, and watch the rain. However, sometimes it can get a little annoying because we have a small house, and apart from my twin, I have a younger sister who seems bent on driving me INSANE!!!! So on days like that, I do wish the rain would go away. Aw, I heard about the drought you guys were having. It was in the news here. But you guys are getting rain now? Thats good!!!

clairepitts1994Apr 16, 2009

My it has to have been AGES! YAy 39!! So you're still wearing the brace? Friend troubles, they're never any fun, but they always manage to work themselves out in the end, it's just the time in between and they can always be started with the most stupidest of things! I've had soo many story ideas, and I want to do them all at the same time....that's kinda why I've got 3 stories going lol\:P Yeah i'm great!! Going to a new school in a week or two. So nervous and excited! They both kind of take their turns, one after the other. At the moment I'm excited! Nerves will be back soon though lol \:P Well i'm off to play my legacy family, with Jason Bourne. hehehe:P...........anyway...adios xox

LellieGApr 16, 2009

Yum, thanks!! \:wub\: *hands over an abundance of eggs, hugs and cookies* \:rah\: You're having your holiday, right? I know I am!! \:D

LivdudeApr 16, 2009

what is your story called?

hiedibear75Apr 16, 2009

What happened to Matt & Jenny is that I got almost done with the 1st part of their Thanksgiving with Dianna's family & then MY BACK got in the way. \:rolleyes:  I've just been feeling.....blehck & owie. \:confused\:  I even got some new pose boxes so I can have even more annimations for them but then I got owies & my creativity got up & went. \:\(  I'm really sorry. \:confused\:  I know I've probably lost like just about all of their fans by now. \:wacko\:  But I'm not planning on switching to TS3 so I'll still be here making TS2 stories for anyone still interested in reading them. \:cool\:  And yes we use pounds lbs. in the U.S. but that's OK I've got enough "mates" who use the metric system that I'm getting used to it even if I can't figure out the conversion table myself. \;\)  I've found pies are actually quite high in fat......I supose it's the shortning in the pie crust. \:D  But it's a yummy way to hide the skeleton. \:\)  I saw you've had some stories out. \:rah\:  Sorry I haven't read them, but it's for the same part of what makes it so hard to write stories......too loopy. \;\)  I'm so glad that the back brace has made your back better. \:rah\:  Well hope school is going okie dokie. \:cool\:  Take care & hope you're happy, healthy and well. \:wub\:

bosnombeharApr 15, 2009

Wow, what a surprise. :-) Eclipse is actually also my favourite \:D Hahah that's so cool, yeah I'm also on team jacob, although my friends can't understand. They like Edward more \:P But I like Edward too, it's just that he's pretty stalker-ish and that's what crazies him a bit up. \:D Whatever, I can't wait for the New Moon movie, where Taylor Lautner will play the leading part. Yippie. :-) Oh and I didn't like the fourth book either, I thought that the whole ending with the volturi in that forest was toooo long, AND NOTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED. \:D Haha but I liked the chapters which were told from Jacob's side, he is so naive and innocent, it's so cute. \:D

Little Cloud Apr 15, 2009

Aw, thank you so much!!! That will be very helpful when I write my FF7 story. See, I'm gonna re-write my Final Fantasy story on a different website because my first one on here didn't make any sense. I'm gonna start with the events of Crisis Core and and gonna go through all the games. But it's a little hard because I still don't know that much about it. Anyway, I'm very happy because today is FINALLY sunny. We had about three days of straight rain \:\(. But today there is sun. Oh, my twin wanted be to give these links to you. It's this really stupid song that he likes that comes from an arcade game of something. The first link is the song with Hello Kitty, and the second link is the song with FF7 Advent Children. They are kinda random, but he really wants you to see them. I hope you like them \:\) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPSy5C8joFI and this is the second link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoxLrrLZN1o           

lisa9999Apr 15, 2009

The cookies were good. Yummy! I am glad you like my banner.  I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I spent so much time working on it and reworking it, I finally just left it and uploaded it. Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:wub\:

QuinnieApr 15, 2009

Don't know, depends what mood I am in. If you think of anymore quotes let me know. I am trying to get Quinnie to let me use lines from her poems and songs, she lets a friend of mine use her poems on her website, but she will not let me use them. \;\) Take care, Michelle.

LivdudeApr 15, 2009

I just got back from soccer, dunno if i will have time to write mine!! \:\(

QuinnieApr 15, 2009

Changed the banner, check it out when you get a chance. Michelle

Sliverfin101Apr 15, 2009

okdoky, cya l8r  

LivdudeApr 15, 2009

Well i have written a script, the story is called "You're Not Alone...." horror of course. I am going to do a sim story as well. Script is nearly done, we should be up at your place in half an hour, mags is drving us up. Sorry i didn't do The Haunter \:\( It wasn't uploading onto my computer. We can compare scripts and see which one we should do. It took my a while to write it, i still haven't finished! But its getting there, its 6 pages so far \:\) Probably double that and it should be done \:eek\: i'l check out the profile now  

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