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Warrayfinson's Guestbook

Little Cloud Apr 11, 2009

NO!!! Ok, maybe your writing style is normal, but you do SUCH an AMAZING job. I don't really know how to describe it. Like, whenever I try to write something, it always ends up being awkward and sometimes it seems forced, like thats not REALLY what I wanted to say, but I couldn't figure out how to say it. Do you know what I mean. Anyway, for your MidNight Moon story, I think you should give Bella somemore personality. Like instead of Edward or Jacob soming to save her, Bella has to figure out what Victoria's weak stop (physical and menatlly) it herself. I know that probably wasn't very helpful, but thats all I can really some up with. HAVE A HAPPY EASTER \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:\) \:D!!!

lisa9999Apr 11, 2009

Have a Happy Easter! Lisa\:wub\:

QuinnieApr 11, 2009

\:\)  Was just checking out your new hair colours and found myself laughing at your punk hair colours. In the last 2 years my hair has been green and red, black and white, purple and pink, black and red and the latest brown and silver, Does that make me a punk? LOL! Take care and have a great Easter. Michelle

LivdudeApr 11, 2009

Okay, well i'll be on here at 8 if u wanna chat \:\) bye

LivdudeApr 11, 2009

I was out house hunting all day \:\( BORING. Wat do i think???? Well, its hard to say, give the friendship time over the holidays to relax and give each other a break, keep in touch with D and A and possibly L. Give S some time to think about what she has done and what she is going to do. If you return to school after the holidays and the situation is not better at all, even worse, then maybe go and sit with D for a while. It isn't my decision, its yours. So i dunno, who did u see the movie with? \:\)

LivdudeApr 11, 2009

Wow!\:confused\: That comment must have taken ages to write, lol. Well soz the say but i never exactly felt too happy bout S, she doesn't tick my boxes, lol. L is the nicest and D is olay too. I dunno who A is but anyway she sounds like she doesn't take sides, which is good. \:\) Oh, and thanks for saying my page is cool, it took for ages to make the banner \:D but its worth it. So what r u gonna do bout the friendship groups?? Stay where you are or move on?

Little Cloud Apr 11, 2009

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Silent Destiny AND Forgetten Redemtion!!! The best of both worlds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\: Thank you, you just made my day. But hang on a minute; I'm gonna go read Silent Destiny, and then I'll come back and tell you want I think, K? *Go off and reads story* LOUD SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE HOJO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why are you doing this to me? I HATE CLIFFHANGERS!!! But other than that, the chapter was amazing. You are such a good wriet, it's not funny!!! Maybe you could give me lessons in how to be a writer? Like, I'm not even kidding. I would pay a lot of money to learn to write like you! Please, please tell me when more is out!!!

LivdudeApr 10, 2009

Yeah, my friendship groups have taken a wild swap as well \:\( I decided that i have had enough of Erinn and her mood swings and keep it as aquantinces (however you spell it). I decided to go to a group, with a couple of girls from Kipara and Japara. They are much nicer and don't change their friends every single week. \:confused\: But yeah now its holidays and i am looking forward to a good break. Today i am going to read a bit of New Moon, probably won't finish but i want to get up to chapter three, thats where Bronte told me to get up to, apparantly its very sad?? Dunno, but i will read. I haven't been keeping up to date with your stories, too many assignments \:P But i finished them. I'm doing really bad in Maths, so i have been given a tutor to sorta help me, i had one session before the test on Wednesday and i feel i did better than i did before, i answered every question and showed working out \:\) In Science i got an A on my assignment (87%) so i was very pleased with that. In the science test i got a B- which is okay, but i could not much better. And the biggest shock to me so far was in religion, where i thought i would get an A, i got a C-! Mr Corson is much different to Chaston. Very different. But i guess i will manage. Oh, and thanks for the easter egg \:D   NIce to hear from you cuz   Livdude ~

clairepitts1994Apr 9, 2009

Hey! How have you been? School holidays!! hehe gotta love Australia, great holiday system. Anyway anything interesting been happening with you lately? How's everything with your back? Oh your story 'forgotten redemtion' has to be my favourite out of your stories. It's awsum, but I'm a sucker for supernatural lol. It's the only story that I literally can't wait for the next part, and I'm checking the stories section everyday to see if you've posted it lol. That doesn't sound like obsessed fan...no not at all lol. I haven't actually read the recent on that's been posted. I must go do that! I hope alls well and Happy Easter! adios xox

Little Cloud Apr 9, 2009

Aw, I'm sorry about that \:\( \:wacko\: \:puke\:!!! I know this is stupid because I hardly know you, and you hardly know me, but you have always been very kind to me. I've never heard you say anything bad abour anyone!!! From what I can tell, you are a great person, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I know it's hard to be all self-confident (remember, I'm a teenager too), but sometimes you just have to trust what other people tell you. And right now, I'm telling you that you are a good and great person. Anyway, whats new with me is that I'm finally on Spring break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as you can see, I am very happy about this!!! Crisis Core is going fine. Still haven't seen Cloud yet \:\(, but my brother says we'll be seeing him soon. I CAN'T WAIT!!!! And, and guess what? This is somethig I just found out. I can get to music from Crisis Core \:D! Dawn my mom said she's give me 20 dollers to iTunes as an easter gift, so I'm gonna get the music foor my iPod. Anyway, enough about me. You're out of school now, right?

bosnombeharApr 9, 2009

Hehe how ridiculous, no? \:\) Being afraid of such stupid things, but I have to agree, they freak the hell out of me \:D Haha okay, hurry up then with your story, I can't wait to read it! Bye \;\)

miller1220Apr 9, 2009

Yes, I'm so glad that I could figure out how to get an avatar! Thanks, I know its adorable!!!!! Well, yes, the story Mandy's World is....well I shouldnt spoil it for you, should I? You lucky, with your last day of school.....well I'm on Easter break now!!!! Yay!!! :P

lisa9999Apr 9, 2009

HAPPY EASTER! I am handing over a big chocolate easter bunny.  I haven't decorated eggs yet. Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:wub\:

Jaws3Apr 9, 2009

Hi! \:D the banner and Avi probably won't last long.. but keep an eye out anyway, because those jokes you like might pop up every now and then... \;\) Not much is new in my world. I decided I want to play more than one instrument, so I started learning the flute, and now I'm trying to learn violin. It's hard, VERY hard! \:\) I'm determined, though.     Hmm... what else? Oh yeah, I signed u[p over at The Sims Shack. It's loads of fun and there's plenty of familiar TSR faces! :P I'm sad to hear your having friend troubles. I know what it's like... God knows I've had more than my fare share of it myself. girls are hard to get along with, so don't take it too hard, okay? \:D   It's great to hear from you again, because it has been a while... And YAY! It was my last day of school too!

miller1220Apr 9, 2009

Now I don't mean to spoil anything for you but I'll be starting a story now. I'm not sure if I'll be able to publish it here at TSR because we all know how complicated and annoying it is to upload storeis here...one pic at a time, writing in the words. If I figure it out I will gladly post it here but if not, I will put it on the Sims2 website and I will give you the link if you would want to read it. And by the way it was inspierd by the story, "Mandy's World," by I don't know the author. Anyway....Well I hope I can figure it out to put it on here!!!! Byebye.

makabaerApr 7, 2009

Thank you so much for your answer about the Angel hair mesh! I'm so happy!

Jaws3Apr 5, 2009

Hey, Warray! \:D Love the new Banner, and the avi! \;\) You've done a great job on your last few parts of Forgotten Redemption.... I' can't wait for the next part! \:\) How have you been? Everything going well?

Rabold8Apr 5, 2009

HEY WARRAYFINSON!!!!  How are you?  My goodness I have been gone for so long!  I have been incredibly bust with school and such.  I had two essays and a paper due on Friday, plus a physics test, an English test, and a book to finish and write about (that was only the homework from Friday).  AHHH!!!  \:o  That coupled with the fantasic crashing of my computer just made my week...LOL! :P So, how ya been?! \:D \:wub\:

Little Cloud Apr 4, 2009

Ha ha. Now I can tell me friend I was right! I said that it was winter where you guys were, but she said it was summer. So I win!!! Wait, what \:eek\:? It gets up to 122 degrees where you live? OMG!!! The hottest it's even been in Michigan (thats were I live if I didn't tell you already) was about 110. Norammly in the summer it's a mild 90. Anyway, right my my twin took pity on me, and decided that we would play some Dirge of Cerberous (I've been begging him, cause we're almost down with it, and I want to see the end). See, we been playing mostly Crisis Core (no complaints about that) whiich is cool and all, but I would like to see the ending. Anyways, thats what were doing right now. As for you being a summer babe, I was born in late summer/early fall. Which kinda sucks cause then I'm never sure what I should do for my birthday. Still, it's usually all good \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\:. But's hows your life going, other than you'll be out of school soon? Anything new or exciting?

bosnombeharApr 4, 2009

Haha it's spring over here. :-) Sooo awesome, the sun is shining almost every day, and tonight I'm going out a bit, it's holiday time \:D Wuhuu! Haha sorry, but the sun does crazy things to me. \:\) This winter was so cold, I had to wear so many jackets at once that people sometimes asked me if I were pregnant \:D Haha Oh no, "IT" isn't the scariest horror movie, but I remembered it as I saw your screenie. \:\) Few nights ago I watched one movie with my sister, the storyline wasn't really THAT scary but the movie was made by the director of SAW, so the figures in the movie were really lifelike, it was really scary. It's a pity that I don't remember the title, it had something to do with a women, Mary Shaw, who had many puppets and when she had been killed, she decided to turn into one too, and then she scared off people and those who scream when seeing her they get killed too. \:D Ok, it sound a bit weird I know, haha but the point is that the film is really good created, the atmosphere and the make up, really good. Maybe you've seen it? \:\)

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