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Warrayfinson's Guestbook

lisa9999Apr 3, 2009

me again, I just read the comments on my gallery (dah, I didn't know there were comments on the gallery) I am the person in mauve holding the cat with a flower in my hair.  My uncle took the picture after a family wedding.  No i don't usually wear flowers in my hair. My son is the one lying on the couch with the cat on his back, Chester is the playful puppy. Have fun. Lisa\:wub\:

bosnombeharApr 3, 2009

Hahah that was soooooo cute! \:\)Thank you, your cookies must taste wonderful. \:P Oh I've seen this shot of this clown yesterday but I forgot to tell you how scared I was. :-) I'm absolutely afraid of clowns, so your story is definitely something to for me! Brrr I got goosebumps now just while thinking about stephen king's "IT". \:D Hope your story will be even more frightening! Hihi Okay, I hope you will tell me as soon as it comes out, you know I love your horror stories more than the others, I think that's a subject that really suits you. :-) I think you found your profession there haha and that's incredible when thinking of how young you are, an extremely talented girlie. \:\) Okay, nuff said \:D I'm annoying to myself already hehe \;\) Bye!

Little Cloud Apr 3, 2009

Oh, thanks for the links! Actauuly, it's more like 8n weeks since we have spring break in a week, and then on the last week of school, the eighth graders get to go to Chicago. I'm really excited about that, since we're gonna be doing all this cool stuff, like seeing a Harry Potter exibit, and going on a boat cruse. Still, it's a long time away \:\(. Other than that, not much it new. I'm having writers block with my story on Quizilla. Plus, not matter what I do, when I search my story, I won't come up, which is kinda depressing. But other than that, everthing is pretty much ok. Ok, another random question for you. Is it winter, or late fall where you live? I KNOW that was random, but could you tell me. I made this one bet with my stupid friend (ok, maybe she's not stupid, but she's not smart either.) She said that you guys were having summer just like us, and I said no, it's winter for the folks in Austraila. Anyway, how are your stories coming? P.S. Guess what? My friend was doing a paper about sexist vidoe games, and she found this list that had the names of games were guys and girls get equal parts. The list went like this: The Sims 2, Final Fantasy 12, and Animal Crossing. I don't know about you, but I thought it was cool that a FF game got onto a very small, and short list listing equal games \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\:

lisa9999Apr 3, 2009

Morning! I bet you are so glad to get a vacation from school. Three more school days for my son and he gets a week and a half.He is in all honor classes and has 3 to 4 hours of homework a night. Next year he starts advanced placement classes, he will probably have even more.  But all his classes next year count as college credits.  He has my some what photographic memory, but mine is selective.  I only choose what I want to remember! LOL\:wub\: \:D  I don't care if you leave comments. I just hope you enjoy my stuff. I do have a Easter set coming out soon.  You are very welcome for the link. My son watches it all of the time. Some day I hope to find time to watch it.  Have a fantastic day! Lisa\:wub\:

bosnombeharApr 1, 2009

Aww you are such an amazing person. :-) I was so happy to read your message and also sad because I've been remembered why I lost my passion for the sims game! :-( I'm so sad that I lost the base for my story, and the worst is that I know I can't get it back! But it's so nice of you that you're willing to help me, it's really cute. \;\) But I think we're fighting a lost battle. :-( Don't worry, I'm okay! How are you by the way? :-) Anything new? Write to me soon, hugs

Little Cloud Mar 31, 2009

Oh, well now I feel stupid \:rolleyes:. Cause I always said it (sephiroth) like it was th at in the middle and at the end. Oh well. Anyway, another random question for you. You said you haven't played Crisis Core, but you know all about it. Where did you find out. Because if you just googled it, I can do that myself, but if there was a certain site, could you tell me. I'm thinking of doing a fan-fiction starting with the events of Crisis Core. But I'm not gonna say anthing else in case I decide to write it. Guess what? In 10 more weeks, I'll be a high-schooler \:D \:rolleyes: \:puke\:!

lisa9999Mar 31, 2009

Morning, I have some of the Buffy seasons on DVD. If you are just starting to watch it you are in for some big and I mean big shocks! Who ever was the writter did a fantastic job. It is a very addicting show. I got my brother in law and my nephew interested in it. We all had to be home on Tuesday nights at 8 to watch. If you go to HULU you can find some good TV shoes to watch.  It is free this is the site address http://www.hulu.com/popular/episodes/today. My son loves it. I must run, I will write again soon.  Lisa\:wub\:

iceswanMar 28, 2009

For a fifteen year old. You are one of the best designers I ever seen on here!\:wub\: Your storys are great and I hope that you someday will become a great broadway or screen writer. Good luck in your future, and as they said in show business (break a leg.\:P )

lisa9999Mar 28, 2009

Hey, of course I know futurama, we have them all on DVD.  It is my son's favorite. There is a new futurama movie that just came out on DVD.  We are wating to get it. My son walks around whistling the theme song all the time. The other show I have never heard of. I used to watch Buffy, then Gilmore Girls, then Crossing Jordan, and now Bones. There is a newer show on now called 11th hour we started watching. It is pretty good. There aren't too many funny shows on anymore. Did you ever see ALF? It is about a fury alien.  That was a funny show. Well I will talk to you soon. I am watching a show about the Smithsonion.  Have a great day! Lisa\:wub\:

Little Cloud Mar 28, 2009

Yes, my computer is very spaztic \:puke\:!!! Crisis Core is fine, but I seriuos spaztic fan-girl moment when I first saw Sephiroth!!! Hey, really random, but my friends wants to know; do you say Sephiroth like with an f sound, or with a th sound? Really random, I know. Oh, and do find out, you might have to say the name out loud a few times \:confused\:. Sorry, my friend and I are kind of suger high off of suger and life. She says hi. She also says boo-hoo to you. Yeah, I don't really know. Nothing new is up with me other than I'M REALLY HAPPY IT'S FINALLY SPRING. What about you?

Little Cloud Mar 27, 2009

Aw, thanks \:wub\:. Sorry it took me so long to reply, but my computers been broken for the last week. He looks so smexy in that picture \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:Zack really is one of THE BEST ff7 people!!!

lisa9999Mar 27, 2009

Tried to get back to you yesterday, but the site wasn't working well so after an hour I quit trying. How is it all going?  I am thinking of renting twilight.  Did you see it? Was it as good as the previews make it out to be?  There is nothing good on TV. It is college basketball season here, so no new shows. My favorite at this time is Bones.  I don't know if you get it there. The guy that played Angle in Buffy is in it. He is starting to show his age. My nephew goes to college with his cousin and he got to meet him. Lucky. Nothing new and exciting here. I have to take the puppy dwon for his booster shot in a few minutes so I better run.  Have a great week end! Lisa\:wub\:

drewsolteszMar 25, 2009

Hello, and thanks so much for commenting on 'The Gambler', there is a new story posted, 'A Convenient Husband' hope you can read and comment on that as well, cheers~

MizLuv2005Mar 25, 2009

You sound like a bright interesting girl, I enjoyed reading your story, Keep up the good work!  \:\)

lisa9999Mar 24, 2009

\:wub\: Hey there! Hope all is going well! Lisa

IllianaMar 23, 2009

What an incredible comment to read for the Crystal Lotus lot, Warrayfinson! \:wub\: I always appreciate your kind words, but to hear what things you actually liked the most about my lot helps me in so many ways. \:D Thank you very much for YOUR detail, and for your incredible compliment. I am truly honored. \:o \:\) - Illiana

clairepitts1994Mar 23, 2009

Hey thanks for commenting on my new story\:\) I haven't talked to you in ages!! How have you been? I'm still trying to work out all the little things that have changed on this website. I left tsr for a while, and went over to the sims 2 website, people over there are mean!! So back and hopefully writing more stories. Your story forgotten Redemption is in one word, awsum! It's my favourite one\:D Well ttu soon, have an awsum day, adios xox

lisa9999Mar 22, 2009

Hey don't worry abou the language, I have heard much worse. For that fact I hear much worse on tv. First I will tell you friends come and go.  The smart one sounds like she wants to be known as the clown or that she is cool, not realizing she is makin herself look like a jerk,People are who they are and you can't change them. When you are with her and she throws something just kind of say, your lucky you didn't hurt that person, don't sound bossy or shocked, just say it kind of in passing. By all means don't laugh when she does these things (that only encourages her) Console your other friend, tell her the smart one doesn't seem to realize what she is doing is bad, if the smart one is ignored and isn't given any attension when she does bad, she may slowley stop. If anyone laughs at what she does, she will keep doing it because she is getting attension. Your a kid and not a referee. You can not solve everyones problems. If you like them both spend time with them, just sit between them or spend time with each one by themselves.  But if it comes down to choosing, you have to make the choice. But I will tell you if It were me and I had to choose,nasty one would be history. Life is too short to have to deal with such trivial things.  You have to take care of you, just listen to your heart. Have fun and be safe, you are growing up faster than you think.\:wub\: Never be afraid to say NO!Any how are you working on any more stories? I love the new one. Take care and feel free to write any time. Lisa\:wub\:  

Rabold8Mar 21, 2009

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INCREDIBLE COMMENT!!!!! \:D \:D  Warrayfinson, you have always blessed me with wonderful comments on all of my creations; if you knew the joy that I feel everytime that I read one, I'm sure that you would be shocked. \:wub\: \:wub\: And, that you actually downloaded it makes me feel fantastic, that means a lot to me. \:\) It took about 4 hours to build the lot itself (but not all at once), but it took me another three months to actually finish it. \;\) All of the tweaking that I do to a lot to make it fit my taste takes FOREVER! LOL!  I tried to make the apartments large, so that there would be a lot of room, and I am glad that you noticed! \:P The custom content thing:  I tried really hard to not use any; but when I began to do the bushes, there was not a large enough choice of materials, and so I fudged on them. \:P Would you believe that that garden was just a last minute add on? LOL!  I actually had only a small grouping of trees in the back originally, however when I began to take preview photos, it looked plain (which is why I added somthing!.  LOL!  Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!  You seriously made my life with that comment, thank you!!!! \:D \:wub\:

lisa9999Mar 21, 2009

Hey! It has been fine. We are getting warmer weather so I have been catching up on things around the house and playing with the puppy outside.  He is a demanding little bugger. LOL When he wants to go out and play he will talk at you until he gets his way, he doesn't really bark, it is like talking.  I think he is cussing us out.LOL How have you been?  How is school going? Do you get a break soon. In April my son gets a week and a half off for spring break. He just got his drivers permit, so I have been taking him out.  I never thought in my life that I would ever have kids or would ever have to teach them to drive. So far so good though. Backing up is something he needs practice on though.  How old do you have to be to get your drivers permit? Here it depends on the State. Here in New York it is 16. I know in Florida it is 14. To me that seems young, but I didn't get my drivers liscense until I was 22. I had my permit, but I didn't want to take my test on a standard I wanted to take it on an automatic, so I waited until we had one. I must go and feed the cat.  She keeps pushing on my chair and it is driving me crazy. She weighs twenty pounds, it isn't like she needs to eat but if you don't feed her when she wants it she gets down right pushy. Have a great week end! Lisa\:wub\:

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