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clairepitts1994Jul 7, 2009

Yes well the guy was very nice, so I just smiled. I've heard 'you're weird' so many times, I enjoy it.....I embrace the weirdness. There's not much fun in being the same as everybody else. Wow you must be the only person I know that has a ps2, all my friends turn their noses up at it....well most of them do. It's like the opposite here, I hardly see any ps3 games, there's some but there's barely any compared to how many ps2 are on sale. I like my ps2 and I don't think I'll get a ps3 unless my ps2 breaks, which is what happened with the ps1. Good old playstation one. Somebody spilt lemonade on it and it went kaputsk. Pokemon?? Are you serious!!?!?!?! You like pokemon??? wow that could really be taken two ways couldn't it? But I am a pokemon fan!! Of the old series not the new one. What's the pokemon game called?? I'm always on the lookout for addictive games\:D I'm not to familiar with the schooling system in Ireland, so what different names and sets do you have?? Australia's schooling system is kinda different. We have Primary school (years prep, grade one, grade two up to grade six) and Highschool which is also called secondary school (years 7 to 12) I'm currently on school holidays atm, but all that ends in a few days and I start at a new school....eeep. When's your birthday??? That's weird, my birthday's the 23rd of July. How old are yee turning??

clairepitts1994Jul 1, 2009

Aww how could u get a D in home-ec!\:D Oh geez stupid teacher! Did you not want to make any of the meat things?? or something. Yeah sims 3 was a nice change, I just didn't like it that much. Maybe when the price comes down and some of the kinks get fixed I'll probably buy it again. But for the moment I'm sticking with the sims 2. Ahahahahaaa! nice one....'i like chocolate....' I too often talk to myself. It always happens when someone is around, but I often don't finish my sentences so it'll be like "I wonder....." and the people are like you wonder what? and I'd be like what? and then we'd both say what another dozen times and it usually ends with 'you're weird.....' and they walk away. The guy at the video shop called me weird the other day. I got some ps2 games and i go to hire them and he goes 'oh so you're one of those playstation girls huh?' and i'm just like 'yea.....'  I mean what was I supposed to say to that? then he said 'you don't look like the type' so I added 'Well...I love my playstation' and then he called me weird. What does the type of person that plays video games look like anyway?.......What do you do in CSPE???

kanzenJun 27, 2009

oh-hai =] thank you for taking time to read and comment on Lorelei =] *hugs* take care~

shaml_sim Jun 26, 2009

Hi \:D Thanks for your continual feedback through my A Message from an Angel series! I love happy endings too \:\)

stephanie1225Jun 25, 2009

Thank you so much for commenting on my story \:D

xtinabobinaJun 23, 2009

hi there! thanks so much for commenting on 'lost in translation' im so excited that you liked it!!!! and you thought it was 'spellbinding' thats so awesome! if you want, i have quite a few other stories you should check out, youll love them!! a couple other ones have made front page too! enjoy! and thanks again!!

shaml_sim Jun 23, 2009

Hi! \:D Thanks for your lovely comment on the Finale to my Angel story \:wub\: It means a lot to me that you've enjoyed reading them all \:\) The epilogue to this story should be out in the next few days if you want to check it out. Then it will be onto a new story \;\) Thanks again, have a great day!

clairepitts1994Jun 22, 2009

I'm am so nervous at the moment!! In 3 weeks I hopefull start a new school. Ahh with new glorious subjects!! I never really had religon as a subject, I chose not to do it. I went to one or two classes though when I was younger like 8 i think I was, and the teacher took pity on me because I'd broken my arm that year and she let me play with the puppets. I also remember her asking us for a funny story, so I told her the one that was freshest in my head. and I told her that I took a picture of builders that were building an extension on my house, and they were bent over hammering stuff and I told her that you could see their a**es. Yes I was 8 at the time, and said a** to the religous teacher. She wouldn't give me the privilege of playing with the puppets after that. So I quit religon and went to a small class where we just filled in time, there was only like 8 of us colouring books or something. But that did work out in the end, because the guy I had a major crush on in later years was in that small class, and we became quite good friends. HAHA! nice one, talking to yourself in a shop! Yes I did get sims 3 but I sent it back to the shop and got a refund. I am one of the people that didn't like the game, and didn't think it was worth the price. But I couldn't bear to say goodbye to my sims 2 simmies. Not with my Jason Bourne sim, expecting his first grandchild!! Anyway did you get sims 3?? If so....what did u think? Oh and what on earth is S.P.H.E and C.S.P.E.???

clairepitts1994Jun 6, 2009

I'm sorry I'm so incredibaly horrible! I missed your gb signing completely!! \:\(....a vegie that hasn't had tofu?? Now that is almost unheard of!! You have a subject on Irish? What do you do in that subject??? ooo! so you learn German ay?? I don't know a lot of german, I seem to know a lot of german swears though. It's like the first thing they tell me. Well who doesn't want to know how to insult people in 10 different languages. It does help however when you're watching an entire movie in another language, you don't get most of it, but you understand them when they call each other names\:P Then you just silently cackle to yourself and it sometimes.....most of the time bubbles to the surface.....and...then you look like an idiot laughing at absolutely nothing. True story. Tis. You better beleive it. Sorry loads of homework and no sleep equal craziness in my world. Though tis never far away.....anywhoo speaking of school I have Maths, English, Science, Cooking, French, Woodwork and Metal, Drama and I know there's one I'm missing, oh yeah and SOSE = social studies and humanites. I don't know what the actual letters stand for and really can't be bothered working them out now. But we get exams now and then in each subject or other. I really hate all the technical stuff for cooking, it's like where's the love?? I would say what subjects I had today except for the fact that I didn't go to school....coz it's SATURDAY!!! WOOO !!!! alll day! I love the weekend! I sure hope you feel better with your hay fever. Is it like Spring over there? Not too good with the seasons in other countries, my mind is also not working due to the craziness. It's weird it's cold and winter here, at least I think it is. Pretty sure it is, just not sure on the date it was started on.....waffling on here now....he he waffles. I've never had waffles I wonder what they taste like......What other subjects for school do you have??? I must be going now tired sleep time is upon me, ttu soon!\:D adios xox

shaml_sim Jun 4, 2009

Hi there! \:D Thanks for reading and commenting on Part 8 of my 'A Message from an Angel' story \:wub\: Glad you enjoyed it, I should have the next part out in the next week to relieve that suspense \:P Thanks again, have a fantastic day!!

YukosanJun 2, 2009

\:\) \:D Many thanks to you for leaving a comment on my story! Have a great day, take care. \:\)

PhysiaJun 2, 2009

thx u very much \:\)

AnnieBooMay 24, 2009

Thank you so much for your comment on Anika's picture!! I hope to have her in game later today!! *hugs*

clairepitts1994May 24, 2009

Wow 3 years is a long time, I didn't stay vegetarian for nearly as long maybe a month, I think it was just a phase with me. So do you have a lot of tofu?? I don't get why everyone says its so yuck, it just tastes like nothing, a spongy nothing lol\:P Yep we have exams!!! Scary stuff!! What are yours on at the moment??

mariabubuMay 24, 2009

hi! thanks for commenting on my pic "SIMS 3". it's not officially released yet, but i'm one of the lucky simmers that got their hands on the game earlier \:D

maxi kingMay 22, 2009

\:wub\:Thank you for your nice comment on my story!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

clairepitts1994May 19, 2009

Now tis my turn to say sorry for the late reply!! I've been so busy with all this boring school stuff, that is just starting to get really annoying! Anyway, you don't know what AFL is!!?!? wow that is weird. But then I suppose you wouldn't really know, seeing how it's an aussie game. AFL stands for Australian Football League and I'm really not the right person to explain it, but it's played with an oval football, the footy field is either oval or round...i'm not sure because I never really played it properly. Then you have your two different teams, as all sports have...I think. But they're trying to score points and goals from the other teams goal posts, which are two really tall white polls, between the two taller polls is the where they score goals and a goal is 6 points. Next to the two tall goal white posts are two shorter but still tall other white posts on either side of the tall tall white poles. And I am just rubbish at trying to explain sport! So there's four big white poles, if u kick it in the middle of the four poles then it's a goal, which is also 6 points, but if you kick the ball between the outer pole and the inner pole next to it, it's a point, 1 point. And you can kick the ball or hand ball, hand ball being you hold the footy diagonally with one hand and form a fist with your other hand and punch the ball up the bum to someone else. That is about as good as my explanation of football is going to get. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!! I just finished the last morsels of my chocolate stash I keep in my room \:\( I'll have to buy some more\:D I used to be allergic to chocolate though, when I was a little kid. So it's only recently that it hasn't effected me the way it used to which is weird now that I think of it. Anyway you're a vegetarian?? lol Cool. I used to be one too, I never used to think of meat as anything other than meat and then I got some chickens and I went off meat for ages!!! But then the chickens died and I went back to eating meat. My friend is vegetarian at the moment, actually I don't know whether she is still or not. I laughed when she told me, I didn't mean to, and it wasn't the fact that she wanted to be a vegetarian, it was because she's greek. And it just reminded me of that movie 'my big fat greek wedding' where the bride's all that her husband doesn't eat meat, and then the aunty goes 'that's alright, I'll make lamb' lol my friend hates that movie. Anyway I've got to get going, I'll talk to you soon adios xox

clairepitts1994Apr 28, 2009

Wow my goodness me!! Like 3 months!!! So that's your summer holidays yer? That is soo long!!! The school holidays for Victoria, because the year is spilt into 4 terms and at the end of each term we have two weeks holidays. So the end of our term 2 holidays finished at the start of last week. I sure hope that made sense, because I'm really tired\:P nd my brain thing isn't working properly. Rugby!!! I've heard of it, we did it at school, and I didn't like it so much. I much prefer soccer, basketball and AFL football. But not cricket, lots of australians have this thing for cricket. But I just don't get it, I find it's the most boringest thing to watch! At school some of the teachers if they hav the tv in their room will put the tv on and up to the glass so all the boys can stick their head in the window and watch cricket. It's the funniest thing to see them all lined up against the glass.:P

muaxxx2004Apr 25, 2009

Hi, thank you to post a comment in my story, "Real Loves & Hidden Secrets part I"... I'm trying to post next part in a week or a ween and a half... I'm not sure, because I'm in my final exams... it depends... I really apreciate that you take your time to wrote in my story!

clairepitts1994Apr 25, 2009

A place run by nuns....I thought it was. An ex-nun?? Lmao. Ireland the land of green!! Your holidays start in a month?? In Australia the land down under, already had the holidays. They have been and gone\:\( nd I didn't really do much on them. Just loads of schoolwork!!! Very Boring! I sure hope you're feeling better! It's fun for the first day or two, when you get to watch movies and tv and sit around all day, but after that the novelty wears off and you just want the coughing to go away!! ttu soon adios xox

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