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clairepitts1994Mar 23, 2009

Yeah I think I'm going to wait until a couple of weeks after it comes out, so I can read people's comments on it and decide whether it's actually worth getting. Nope unfortuneately I haven't been to Ireland, never really been overseas for that matter, well not unless you count Tasmania, which I do\;\) lol that reminds me of an argument I had with this guy I liked, when he asked me if I've ever been overseas. lol we had this big argument, and got the teacher involved and he sided with me, saying 'technically she has been overseas' lol. Alright well I have to be going now, adios xox

jennnnnie02Mar 22, 2009

Haha, thanks so much for the comment on my story, You had me. The next part is in the works (surprisingly! I've been horribly lazy about that.) so keep an eye open!

clairepitts1994Mar 20, 2009

Yeah the faces on the sims 3 look really different. I reckon they look a bit fat, to be honest. Their faces I mean, very wide. You know I never thought I had an aussie accent, because you know to you it's normal the way you talk, it's exactly the same way all your friends do. But my brother's girlfriend, who's english, came to stay with us and I'm like woah! I sound like an aussie, she sounded so proper lol. Have you read my new story? Theft and Prosperity? let you in on a secret, it was based on a dream\;\) Seriously I have the weirdest dreams. Well I'm off to fix my banner and avatar. Adios xox

DiddakoiGirlMar 19, 2009

I'm so sorry! I've been trying to upload my next part of Abandoned and fighting with my moniter and everything and....\:wacko\: Sorry for being so late replying! You mean the things that are kinda booklets? Yeah, we got them at the start of the year. I'm sitting in the library at the moment and the sun is streaming throught the windows and it's sooooo hot! I wanted to go around town but my friends are all busy. How did you spend St. Paddy's day? \:D

clairepitts1994Mar 19, 2009

Tnawww \:\) Thanks I'm glad you liked it. You bookmarked me!!!\:D and made my day\:P The next chapter should be out soon, within like a day or two. But it may take a bit longer, seeing how my game keeps crashing!!! But it's mostly my fault now that it keeps doing that, because I haven't taken the time to fix my game, and delete some of the faulty content. Well if you had a choice, write stories or fix uncooperative computer, which one would you choose? Usually homeworks in that set of choices, but I mean who wants to do that? and storywriting always wins handsdown. I have no idea what the expression handsdown means. I'll have to think about it properly. Nope I still don't get it. You're from Ireland? With rainbows and pots of gold and leprichauns!! lol. That's always been my image of Ireland, but I hear it's wet and raining? Do you have an accent?? adios xox

DiddakoiGirlMar 10, 2009

Hmm...I have quite a lot! Taylor Swift, Paramore...And I've been listening to this really cool band from Dublin called Grand Pocket Orchestra, they have a myspace page. My favourite song of theirs is called Odd Socks, so random :P

jennnnnie02Mar 10, 2009

Maybe that's because Degrassi is filmed in Canada? But yeah, it's amazing. I'm not a fan of snow, or any cold weather. I hate it!

jennnnnie02Mar 8, 2009

Haha, maybe you downloaded a hacked file? And I really like Secret Life, One Tree Hill, Greek, and Degrassi, mostly Degrassi.

jennnnnie02Mar 8, 2009

Haha, not really writer's block. More like... lack of time and concentration. But, no, I don't watch that show.

DiddakoiGirlMar 6, 2009

Hmm...Doing a marathon? \;\) Or maybe just lying in bed watching TV. Oh, the horror! The new issue of KISS came out yesterday, and it has the coolest cover ever, with Katy Perry on the front. \:D Who's your favourite singer?

DiddakoiGirlMar 3, 2009

Ha ha, I had to write a really stupid one today for Irish, about St. Patrick's Day. It didn't even make sense! \:P Sorry for the late reply, I've been watching DVDs in my room for the past few nights- my friend lent me two seasons of a series called One Tree Hill, and anohter friend lent me Wild Child \:D You should check OTH out, it's addictive. D'you ever read KISS? I love it \:D

jennnnnie02Feb 28, 2009

Ah, yes, I'm finally back! It's been so long, I even wrote that story about two months ago? Thanks for the comment on it. \:D Dunno when the next chapter will be out, I'm coming back so slowly.

DiddakoiGirlFeb 26, 2009

Boring! The only good thing was the hilariousness of me in SPHE. We were doing meeting new people and making friends and blah blah and our teacher asked us what our ice-breaker lines were and I blurted out 'fat penguin,' and everyone stared like I was crazy and my friend goes "You're so random!" And someone asked me to explain and by then my face was scarlet so I just mumbled "Just something to break the ice...." And the class erupted \:D Ah, t'was great. I'm usually not good at cracks. \:D How is it for you?

DiddakoiGirlFeb 26, 2009

Ack, I don't know how I just posted that...I might just go there! \;\) I haven't actually asked in GameStop yet- I'm a regular \:D . I was told I could get a bonus game with Mansion and Garden, but it's just all boring football so I haven't been bothered to go back. And uuuuuggghhh...I was so addicted to the Sims 2 that I bought the Sims 2 Pets for Wii and honestly, I can't believe EA would make such a...ahem.... bad game. It's absolutely disgraceful, and there's no way to get my 30 euro back. The graphics and speed is choppy, there's horrible backdrops and the sims have clothes that are kind of pixelated weirdly. \:puke\: Promise me you'll never buy it! I was disgusted at the comparison. I'm an experienced gamer, so I can normally spot what games aren't worth it, like movie games or cheap games like Spyro for the DS. Which was good gameplay, but annoying graphics and I finished it in a few days. Me and my brothers have nearly evewry console you can think of. \:D

DiddakoiGirlFeb 26, 2009

I don't think so, it's The Suite Life On Deck now. It's not that great, their backdrops are really obvious and it looks like they're on a budget. \:wacko\: Are you sure it's in your Extravision???!

Gizzy88Feb 21, 2009

Yeah, who isn't? But to make matters WORSE for me, I'm on an apple mac. That means that while all you P.C users are playing it, I'm still waiting for it to come out. It's more annoying than you think. Anyway, bye.

DiddakoiGirlFeb 21, 2009

I think it comes out on June 2nd, like everywhere else, but I'm not sure...\:confused\: It was supposed to come out yesterday! And I would be playing it right now for possibly 7 hours plus....\:\( \;\) Sigh....Lol, do you ever watch The Suite Life? \:D In the newer episodes, London goes 'gasp' or 'sad' or 'sob' all the time, saying it out loud, it's really funny if a bit overboard. I have a weird thing with my fingers too, in the winter they go all sore and red and I can't bend them so it's hard to play. And I have longish nails and one of them got like a hangnail way down and I can't bear to pull it off....\:puke\: I'm really squeamish about pain and blood and stuff! I have to run out of the room when Casualty or E.R. is on sometimes \;\)

Gizzy88Feb 20, 2009

Thanks so much for commenting on my story. It's great that people are enjoying it. It's the comments that keep me going. Thank you.

DiddakoiGirlFeb 20, 2009

Well, I'm trying to learn the guitar...With great difficulty! \:P My brother taught himself the guitar and he's really good, but he doesn't have the patience to teach me, and he doesn't really know the chords, just the strings to strum. He's brilliant, and he expects me to take after him! I have a pipe dream of being the next Hayley Williams \;\) What about you?

DiddakoiGirlFeb 20, 2009

I just love acid-bright colours, like rainbows! Even my laces are neon rainbow \:D I was walking around town with my friends today and everyone was staring at my jeans \:D It was really funny. But I also love pale blue or floral stuff, I'm really indecisive about my style. The Claire's in a shopping centre I go to has a new section of pretty pastel and floral stuff, like pale pinks and blues and flowers- my mum had to drag me away from all the pretty things \:P What do you like? \:D

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