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fionaivri's Guestbook

WarrayfinsonFeb 7, 2009

Hi! Wow, thank you SO MUCH for your comment on my story and in my guestbook!!! \:\) \:D It really made my day, thank you! I hope to upload the next part to Forgotten Redemption right now actually. Thanks again, you totally ROCK! Keep Siming!! \:\) \;\)

DiddakoiGirlFeb 2, 2009

I don't think so, I haven't been here for very long. \:confused\:   Does yours?

DiddakoiGirlJan 26, 2009

I probably blew up the lab or something....\:ph34r\:

jennnnnie02Jan 25, 2009


narnianaJan 25, 2009

Hi!I just wanted to inform you that I am not going to continue the story 'An Unforgetable Experience'for two reasons:1.My downloads crashed my computer so i can't download them again because it will be crashed again(Everything in my PC was erased even the "The Sims 2"games)!I needed special custom content to edit this story..very special content!!Without it i can't finish the story.And 2.Before my compuer was crashed i wrote the next part like a million times,but the it was deleted every time.I wanted to finish this story so much..I am sorry if i disapointed you!And thatks for your nice comment..

jennnnnie02Jan 23, 2009

Definitely Harry Potter. No contest there!

DiddakoiGirlJan 23, 2009

Who knows? Adults are weird. :P

DiddakoiGirlJan 23, 2009

Yup. My mum said I was expelled. \:rolleyes: \;\)

jennnnnie02Jan 23, 2009

Never been there and yeah, I've read them all.

kezsridgJan 22, 2009

Awe thanks for the comment on my story \:\) I actually had no Idea there was a city or town named Safaat!!! I just made up the name in my head but your comment made me do a search and I guess I'm not as clever as I thought!!! \:P Thanks for reading!!

jennnnnie02Jan 20, 2009

Ah, yeah. I hate it, actually. I hate cold weather and I hate when it rains to and from school. Just hate it. Haha. I love rain outside of school though. And THUNDERSTORMS! Oh, those are my favorites.

lacey2408Jan 20, 2009

Hi,Thanks for your sweet comment \:\) Great to hear that you enjoyed it..   (you should read part 2) Loves,Lacey

DiddakoiGirlJan 20, 2009

It was freezing! And I had to wait 20 minutes for my mum to pick me up...\:\( My little sister's school closed today cos the buses weren't running. I hate my bus- I don't talk to anyone on it and they don't talk to me, and I have to walk everywhere on my own because I'm in a different place than my friends! It's horrible...\:wacko\: But then I get to school and everyone's nice, so at least I have something to lookforward to! \:D

DiddakoiGirlJan 20, 2009

Yup! It was great! I tried to convince our history teacher that she should let us go outside so she can teach us the values of snow throughout history, but she didn't. She has no imagination...\:rolleyes: \;\) Did it snow in Cork?

ThatGirl1Jan 19, 2009

no, i've never been to Ireland. :[ i wish i had. i've been to Aruba, Sweden, Denmark,  and England (for 20 minutes, waiting for a plane). i will be sure to visit once i am rich and famous. \:D

ThatGirl1Jan 18, 2009

ah, skiing is the best. \:D i don't mind the cold when i'm on the mountain, but i HATEHATEHATE walking to the bus stop! my jeans are all wicked thin and so they don't block wind at all. :[ you'd think skinny jeans were insulated....haha. and i can't wear snow pants because it looks strange unless i'm skiing. 30 DEGREES?! WE'RE BELOW ZERO HERE IN NEW HAMPSHIRE! AHHH!

jennnnnie02Jan 18, 2009

Softball's basically baseball, but with a bigger ball. And, in slow-pitch, you can't steal or lead.

DiddakoiGirlJan 16, 2009

Ab. So. Lutely. EVERYTHING ! It's really hard....\:wacko\: And now I can't choose between Deutsch and Franzozisch! Which is French and German, btw...I got really high marks on both of them for my report card- there were three points between them. So now I have to choose- well, at the end of the year...And I can't drop Geographie! Not til JC! I was falling asleep the other day, though I've gotten all A's so far...To be honest, I get A's in nearly every subject, except Maths and Gaeilge- sorry, I shouldn't say that! \:P I'm bragging. Do you do all the subjects?

jennnnnie02Jan 16, 2009

Haha, oh boy. I actually just started this year, so I'm really happy about it. I also play softball, slow-pitch of course. I'm not that good at batting, but, obviously, I can run the bases fast and catch really well. What about you?

jennnnnie02Jan 15, 2009

I love running. It's like my little sweet escape. No matter how cliche it sounds, when I run, I forget everything. The only thing I can think about is the course in front of me. My feet just carry me up the hills and everything. I can do 1.8 - 2 miles in 13 minutes. It's so much fun. I don't even think about how fast I'm going until I get to the finish line and start sprinting. The sprint is so much fun. Everybody's cheering for you, especially your teammates (usually just one girl and all the guys in my case; not many people can do the course that fast), and you just go. Your lungs are killing you and your legs hurt, but it doesn't really matter, you know? You can fall over the second you get past that line. I could write a book on running.

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