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jennnnnie02Jan 6, 2009

Blah, no. I'm already back in school. It started again Monday. My school, being the middle school in the world's worst district, is really poor. We don't have air conditioning, there's holes in the banners for our school, our budget's non-existent, and the teachers drive me crazy. I loved my seventh grade teachers, but I hate all of mine this year! They make us do so much! \:mad\: I've been back for two days and already wrote two essays!

DiddakoiGirlJan 6, 2009

Yeah, what was that one??! \:confused\: Talking to myself! I can't believe I have to look it up....I should know it! Antidestablishmentarianism! \:D I typed it in and it came up exactly the same, so I didn't *technically* look it up! \:P I had a friend who read the dictionary when she was finished work in 6th Class, but for some reason *I* got called the human dictionary! Ah, memories! \;\)

jennnnnie02Jan 6, 2009

Oh! Well, I hate cereal. So I don't have a favorite. I would dye my hair a darker brown. My nails are purple! And I love love love love love steak! \:D

DiddakoiGirlJan 6, 2009

Nope, a longer word is...what was it? I memorised it so I wouldn't forget, and now I can't remember it! \:confused\: \;\) Ah! Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoniosis! \:D \:D \:D And I did that without looking up the word or the spelling or anything, scout's honour! never was a scout. Oh well. It's a word, like a disease of the lungs or something. I like to say that whenever someone calls me Blondie, cos then they just go "Uh...what?" \:P \:D

narnianaJan 6, 2009

Thanks for the nice comment on my story!\;\) (Part 1)\:D

narnianaJan 6, 2009

Thanks for the nice comment on my story!\;\)

jennnnnie02Jan 6, 2009

Haha, I'm usually really laid-back, but I couldn't sit still in gym. I was bouncing in my seat all day and apparently being a lot nicer than normal? (I'm a BIT sarcastic. Or a lot. \;\) ) Questionnaire.... I forget what that is. Ha, vocabulary is not my expertise. \:confused\:

ThatGirl1Jan 6, 2009

Oh, wow! I'm not a fussy eater, myself. Most anything is good-tasting to me long as we add cheese, haha. (: Only the most disgusting thing ever just showed up on TV: Suckling piglets. As FOOD. EWWWW. \:\(

DiddakoiGirlJan 5, 2009

Ha ha, your comment made me burst out laughing! \:D And I nearly woke up said little sister, who is asleep on the couch behind the computer desk. (Cottage+waaaaaay too much furniture= sleeping places pretty much crammed in with working/simming places! :P) I have two big brothers and my little sister. One of my brothers lives in Dublin, but that doesn't mean extra room cos his room is a shed, lol. Literally \:P

jennnnnie02Jan 5, 2009

Haha, yeah I know the boolprop cheat. I use it all the time. \:puke\: Ha. But I don't know. I've only ever brought one sim back to life. I guess I specialize in killing sims, not bringing them back to life. Haha, wow, I sound so evil. \:P

jennnnnie02Jan 5, 2009

Oh, and thanks for the comment on Something You're Not. Yeah, that throw-up thing was completely random. I've been doing that way too much lately. I'm like so hyper. 2009 is officially my hyper-active year.

jennnnnie02Jan 5, 2009

Eh, I want to write a book, but I'm a bit young. \:\( Too grown up for my age, truly I am. But the thing is... Ashton is kind of like my little sim's guardian angel. I use a hack so I can play him as a ghost, but I think if I brought him back to life I'd end up putting him in the story. I can't resist stuff like that. \:P

clairepitts1994Jan 5, 2009

Yeah lol, my computer isn't really liking me at the moment. My sims game keeps crashing, coz of some cc that I downloaded, now I'm trying to fix the problem but my content manager isn't working either!! BUT I have a plan!! *sigh* It's just one of those days. Your from Ireland! Your little flag thing next to your name says otherwise\:P lol I'm not from America, I'm from Australia!! Melbourne Australia to be as exact as I would like to weird people don't come a knocking on my door\:D\:D HAPPY NEW YEAR (even though we're on the fifth day\;\))

jennnnnie02Jan 4, 2009

Of course I have! I have to read a biography about J.K. Rowling and then I'm reading them again. \:D It takes me like, three days a book anymore. I read way too much this year since school started. Already over 25 books!

DiddakoiGirlJan 4, 2009

I'm sad too! \:\( Ha ha, my little sister just asked me to get her her duvet from the couch and she was sitting in a chair, so I got the duvet and threw it on top of her \:P All you could see was a lump underneath the duvet \:P Have you any siblings?

ThatGirl1Jan 4, 2009

I live on a farm in a bit of colonial america, haha. Our farm is about a mile down the road from where we live, and there's like two main roads that meet up right near my house. I've been a vegetarian since September, haha. I just can't eat meat without getting sick, it's awful. And yourself?

jennnnnie02Jan 4, 2009

Haha, yeah. I love Harry. \:D

ThatGirl1Jan 4, 2009

Those are such cute names! Piper is my youngest cat, he's 3. Katie is my oldest, and she is about 17, no joke. Have you ever heard of the musical CATS? We always joke that she's Grizabella. And my dog is Biscuit, and Biscuit is 10 almost 11. Haha, I really want another cat, but my mom says that we live on a highway and I would be a crazy cat lady if we get more than two. (: We call our pets our menagerie, because I live on a farm, too, and usually we have chickens running everywhere, haha.

DiddakoiGirlJan 3, 2009

Me too! A Ghost Story: The Other Side should be out tomorrow. I'm actually happy about this one \;\) Gotta go, my brother wants to go on the computer. \:rolleyes:

jennnnnie02Jan 3, 2009

Not a thing. Are you using the TSR Wizard? If not, go to Challenges and then download it. It works better than the Storywizard.

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