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fionaivri's Guestbook

Crazy_doodleApr 22, 2009

I love your stories! Keep it up x

olcia_olivineaApr 22, 2009

Hi\:\) thank you for your kind comment about my stuff, I hope that you will enjoy it in your game\:\) have a lovely day! ~ O.

clairepitts1994Apr 22, 2009

oh my friend's birthday's on the 6th! lol. You know home-schooling is exactly like school except you don't go anywhere to have it and your friends aren't there. The only two good things about normal school and they've been left out for the home-schoolers. That's why I can't wait to go back, to see my friends and get a break from my family!! I've been doing home-schooling for a year and a bit. Technically would all my work I get be homework?? lol. Nah but I can get as much as anyone else would. I just don't really have a date that it all has to be handed in by. An all girls school? My friend goes to one and she likes it. Too many *itchy girls for me. And you'd get no comic releif! Guys would always be the ones to do something stupid in class and get laughed at and then get us all in trouble. I applaud you for your braverly *claps*. Is there a difference between a convent and a normal all girls school? Hmm Dark green and cream........yeah that'd make me feel sick too. I'm just trying to picture the colours together. They don't look quite right. I read something about green the other day, I can't remember what it was, oh yeah it said the green was supposed to releive home sickness. Maybe that's what they were going for? and got it all wrong lol\:P ttu later au revior! xox  

jennnnnie02Apr 20, 2009

It's the normal MLB season. So... kind of. Haha. And we've been in school since the fourteenth. It's stupid. :p

BBKZApr 20, 2009

Hey. I'd like to thank you for your wonderful comment on my creation. I'm very glad you liked it. Enjoy and happy simming! Barb \:\)

jennnnnie02Apr 17, 2009

I've heard of rounders before, but not hurlers. And we ended up losing the game 6-3. Duke wasn't pitching; it was some new guy. I'm not very fond of him. /: But we had a few good hits.

clairepitts1994Apr 16, 2009

Oh rain! I love the smell of rain, always smells so.....umm....wet! \:D Your birthday's in July!! So's mine!!\:\) What date? Mine's the 23rd. Yeah it sucks going back after the holidays. Hmm what's my school like. Well it's pretty much the same as my home. Yep I get home-schooled. It majorly sucks!!! I thought it would be good because of no teachers!! But my plan back fired. But these school holidays I've been finishing off my 7! textbooks that I've got so I can go back to my old school when term starts. So while most people are dreading going back to school, I can't wait!! We used to have mean teachers at the school I'm going back to. But mean teachers to me are WAY better than boredom!!! What's your school like? Apart from the mean teachers? Adios xox

jennnnnie02Apr 16, 2009

Aw, thank you. And the Pirates are a baseball team in Pittsburgh. I'm actually going to the game tomorrow.(:

pretty_bunnyApr 15, 2009

Hey, thanks for commenting and I'm glad you like my stories. Well at the moment my dads just wiped everything off the computer because we are getting a new one soon, so no stories will be up in the next month or so I don't think. I'll comment you when I'm going to upload one. Like I said, everythings been wiped off so I won't be able to continue the last one, sorry. Hannah xxx

jennnnnie02Apr 15, 2009

I was going to work on it today, actually, but I had to let my friend scan some form to make a copy of it. However, we ended up getting distracted, so I was there late. Then, I had a ton of Algebra homework, followed by English. I have yet to do my science work, too. I'm not sure if I'll be able to work on it until the weekend, for the Pirates (love them, they're having a good season at last!) are playing!

jennnnnie02Apr 13, 2009

Haha I do.(: And no, nothing at all is new. It snowed over break? Haha, what about you?

martaerikaApr 13, 2009

Thx, you are FIERCE!                                                                               Marta                           xoxoxo

clairepitts1994Apr 13, 2009

Yeah we started our school holidays on friday last week, still got a week to go aswell. Love holidays, but 2 weeks doesn't seem like enough time. It's always over so quickly!! Aww thanks, I'm glad you liked my stories\:\) So how have you been? Where'd you go? Snow? Sunny? Rainy? I can't think of any other weather. My mind is blank! Oh well, ttu soon, adios xox

jennnnnie02Apr 13, 2009

Can't tell you! XD But, no, we stopped getting easter eggs a few years ago, haha. You?

AnnieBooApr 12, 2009

I love your piscs!!!! Thanks for commenting on Morgaine. The entire round table is availiable for download at my blog.

jennnnnie02Apr 12, 2009

Hm...(; Maybe you're right about the narrator, but there are still other characters to be introduced, and, of course, I've got about twelve twists and turns up my sleeves. Haha. Thanks for commenting Just Like You! The next chapter should be out within the next week or so. Now, to comment your new story! \:D Happy Easter, by the way.

clairepitts1994Apr 1, 2009

Technically.....wouldn't the technically technically of being 'overseas' being technically 'overseas' as in over the seas? Like you wait til he exact moment on the plane when you in the middle of the ocean then you yell out 'I'M OVER SEAS!!!" too many technically's in that last sentence, I've confused myself. I can't wait to go overseas though. I'm never going to think of 'overseas' the same way again. But I really want to go around Europe and America, especially SPAIN!! and CANADA!!! Favourite countries. Canada is a county isn't it? It is....i'm sure it is.....I think. Anyway, what about you? Do you have some country that you just have! to go to?

jennnnnie02Mar 27, 2009

Me too. And I only take French.(:

jennnnnie02Mar 24, 2009

I almost cried when I found that out. I found out the day before I was going to go get my copy. It was horrible!

DiddakoiGirlMar 23, 2009

It was okay...But honestly, you won't find tractors in the Dublin parade! \:P It's kind of boring to watch JCBs going by all the time. Yes, I like chocolate, but I'm trying to stop eating when I'm bored, so buying chocolate is off the agenda. However, stealing my friend's ...\:ph34r\: That's another story! The only things we can buy in the shop by our school are doughnuts and cookies and sweets, which leaves me a bit stuck. Do you like lemons?

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