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clairepitts1994Feb 26, 2010

Dam, thought you'd forget about the black hair. Yes I was incredibally blonde when I was little, but it didn't detere my imagination from convincing me I was just like Snow White. Yeah that 'Jersey Shore' reference went straight over my head, a lot like the reference to Austin Powers I made to you :P 'Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto' I did however look up Jersey Shore on wiki, and I now get the reference and also discovered there's a lot of pointless info on wiki. Okay the commute probably isn't much hassle but when you say it like that, it sounds like forever! Unless of course that was sarcasm which is really hard to detect in text. Rice? Really?? But rice is so awsum, with its taco-y chicken that makes it taste really good. My mum found a rice recipe it's got chicken and spinach, which I don't like but don't mind in this. But then it's got capsicum, and Taco seasoning!! You put it in the rice!! nd it tastes like taco's!! But it's ricey! Then you put sour cream and lemon on it. It tastes REALLY good. I'm hungry, can you tell? How can you not be a pizza person?? Well I suppose i'm not really. But pizza's good with tobasco sauce. It's the only thing I can put it on. If I put tobasco sauce on anything else, it just tastes like pizza. Which is weird. Ah what I wouldn't give to go trekking in the snow! I love snow! It's so white! Is it penguins that have pink pee? Random question but I can't remember. Does anything have pink pee? It sounds kind of stupid now, well I guess we all have a blonde moment here and there. But does anything have pink pee? I'm gonna look that one up. Yes so hot here! and no, I am not arachnophobic. I do give snakes a wide birth though but that's just common sense? My phobia is a lot more irrational than spiders or snakes. I have a thing about moths....and flying bugs. And don't you laugh! coz I will smack the black off ya! I'm not terrified of moths, it's just that they all seem out to get me! Okay I wouldn't mind them and flying bugs so much if they didn't purposefully fly past my ear. That's what I hate, when they fly right past my ear and I can hear them flying and they just clip my ear. That. and that alone. Makes me scream. A firefly!! I've always wanted to see them. I've just been told by a parental that I have indeed seen a firefly, when we went to Tassie, and went on a cave tour. Funny, I don't remember it. So I shall re-phrase it, I want to see a firefly and remember seeing it. A chameleon at Disney World! haha how cool. I want to see a chameleon too, and see if he changes colour! Haha rain! Some terrifying blizzard. The best part of rain is all the thunder, brontide and the sweet smell you get right before the rain. Then making leaf boats as all the gutters are over flowing. So are you legally changing your name to Alastair? I suppose it'd be cool though, it'd be like having an alias. I still prefer Astonn to Alastair, even with the cool alias notion. But it shall be the last time I say it, it's your name\:\) I am curious however to where De Felice came from? I tried to translate it but all I got was 'of joyful boy' which was only possible if I crossed French and Italian. lol Sorry I'm a language nut. I didn't think I'd be hard to find on facebook! Until I looked myself up, and there's like 10 Claire Pitts's it makes me feel less unique \:\( I guess I know how John Smith feels. Anyhoo, I must be off because I'm hungry, and you know you're hungry when inatimate objects start looking like food. Next thing you know, you're sitting in a corner eating a ball of yarn, telling the doctors it's spaghetti!! Adios xox

clairepitts1994Feb 21, 2010

Hmm I was always more of a Lion King girl myself, although I did relate more to Snow White when I was little, with the fair skin, blue eyes and bright red lips. People would constantly ask me if I was wearing lipstick. Anyhooo so why did you transfer to Queens? Seems like a lot of hassle. A dance partner! Well she sounds nice, even with all her nutrition ranting. Haha my mum would probably do the same thing! Maybe it's a mother thing? Knowing all. Well it should be easier to get in shape with all the extra dancing and you'd think that dancing would be exercise enough wouldn't it? But it sounds like no more pizza for you! \:P You have all the luck i could possibly wish you! Without having to write 'luck' a million times. Yeah but the weather here isn't too bad I suppose, today wasn't bad still hot though. Not to mention its a spider season! and snake season too actually. My mum was telling me the other day not to walk in the long grass because of snakes, and i'm like 'as if I'm going to go frolicking in the tall grass on my way to school' and she just looked at me. So I had to confirm 'i'm not going to go frolicking in the tall grass' I'll never forget the brown snake I saw slithering at my good old primary school when I was 12. My teacher caught him and was holding him by his tail, and then used it like a whip and cracked it's spine. It sounds kind of gruesome now, but it was cool at the time. I'm yet to see a redback or white-tail this spider season, I wonder what they're actually called. Redback and whitetail don't sound to scientific. I haven't seen a huntsmen this season either, so it's proving to be a good season, for us not the spiders. I wonder where they all are....there was a few daddy-long-legs in my room the other day but that's been about it. Anyhoo I'm done now talking about spiders and what not. Good luck with the blizzard! Just remember on the otherside of the world there are a bunch of Australia's melting to death with heat, without any air conditioning in their school and the water taps not working. And i'm sure we'll all try to remember that you're all freezing to death. Hmm I prefer facebook anyway, I haven't been on myspace in a long time. I shall add you if I can find you, which shouldn't be that hard. On account of your especially awsum name, you're not changing it are you? You were talking about it. Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto and Adios xox

clairepitts1994Feb 15, 2010

Hi Ho! It's off to work we go *whistles tune* I have no idea why that song is stuck in my head, but it just seems to go round and round. Anyhoo how are you? Haven't talked to you in a couple of months! Just dropped off the face of the planet. I like that saying, it makes me believe in inter-galactic space travel. But anyway what have you been up to? Last time I heard, you got cut from the dance team. But then I think it was ages ago, meaning that it is REALLY ages ago now. Anyway just gb-ing to see what you've been up to and how winter's going over there! Adios xox

charrayFeb 3, 2010

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your wonderful stories \:\)  Please continue to write more \:rah\:

fredbrennyDec 24, 2009

Thanks for commenting on the Christmas Story! It's a bit odd EA didn't put milk in the game. Well...the nectar is not with the's exquisite grape juice LOL\:D Fred thinks it's wine... hahaha... Ol' saint Nic does appreciate a glass of Port wine though as I recall...hahaha

eviDec 19, 2009

I wish you  a merry Christmas. joker and may you and your beloved ones have Peace and Health in the New Year!\:wub\: 

samcactus101Nov 28, 2009

Hey I found you on facebook but I couldn't add you cause i don't know you in real life.

DragonQueenNov 23, 2009

\:confused\:   Perfect?  \:rolleyes:  I've seen very little in life that could be termed perfect.  I prefer a bit of the melancholy.  Makes the happiness so much sweeter.  \:D  (Ok, that sounded bad coming from a pessimist like me!  LOL)

DragonQueenNov 8, 2009

\:eek\:   Wait?  You mean I still have to wait? \:D  LOL  Looking forward to reading on... \:cool\:  Hope your weekend was enjoyable..!   Zen Hugs, ~=DQ=~

tdyanndNov 5, 2009

Hey! It's okay being the last to comment! I don't mind one bit. \:\) Though, I am not sure what you mean by the 'shot of the moon'. I just used the in-game camera. I hit 'tab' and moved the camera where I wanted it and took the shot.

DragonQueenNov 5, 2009

\:D   What can I say?  I try to be PC, even tho it doesn't always work!  My blonde moments are notorious around here...\:o   (I was born blonde and it darkened to black by the time I was in my 30s.)            \:confused\:    As for your saying too what?  Was there something to read?  Did I miss it?  Why didn't someone tell me?  Why am I always the last one to know these things?  \;\)  \:D     LMAO....~=DQ=~

DragonQueenNov 4, 2009

ROFL when I read your comment in my guetbook!  I know the feeling well !  Between my "peroxide poisoning" moments and simple user ignorance \:rolleyes: , every upload is an adventure!  \:D

samcactus101Oct 28, 2009

wondering if you have Facebook. If you do, add me! My email: \:\)

clairepitts1994Oct 27, 2009

Hey sorry for the late reply! I've been swamped with all this stuff, so much so that I've taken a break from zen do kai for a bit. Everything was getting a bit too much so I put a hold on all my non-essential hobbies and sports to focus sadly on school. I have a music exam this saturday that i'm not nearly propared for, yes but that's me procrastinator! Leave it to the last second and then mildly freak out that I haven't gotten anything done. It kind of alternates between 'oh crap I haven't gotten anything done' and 'meh, I'll do it tomorrow' the meh usually wins out in the end. Oh! sorry you got cut, you must give me the url!! I'm sorry this is going to be split in two, I have to go to a doctor's appointment. But I shall continue when I get back!.....

clairepitts1994Oct 27, 2009

....well not quite when I get back. Seeing as it is now the next day. Yellow belt! I think i'm going for my yellow belt at the end of this year, but I only have to know the basic punches and blocks. You don't know what pressure points are? They're small different points on your body that if you push down on them for long enough they can reduce pain and headaches, there's heaps and I can't remember where they all are. But the ones we were doing for zen do kai were to inflict pain. Well not exactly pain, it was more of a shock of electricity from your own nerves. Like there's a triangle area on the side of your neck, that if you karate chop, you get the shock of electricity. There's also all these other pressure points on the face aswell. But the one I most remember is your chin, there's a little indentation where your chin joins to your jaw line. If you two fingers on either side of your chin in both indentations and squeeze hard enough you can taste blood. Your mouth isn't actually bleeding it's just the nerves there that make you taste it. Anyway ahahaha karaoke!! I never saw that coming! wow empty orchestra, it makes you never want to sing karaoke again. Oh yeah winter! break. I keep forgetting you guys are going into winter! you people and you're white christmases. I think it would be weird to have it snow at christmas. Christmas time always reminds me of beaches and hot weather and swimming pools! Speaking of which the swimming pool down the road is opening on Monday, after it was supposedly closed forever 3 years ago. Anyway what are you planning for your break? Snow boarding, skiing and ice hockey? I like my list though, it makes me want to go to all those places now. It's a shame that travelling costs money. I might fly to Japan and then walk all the way to Spain and all those other places......and then I'd have to fly again to America...and walk to where-ever I needed to go. Perhaps I'll invest in a bike while I'm over there\:D I know! Spanish obssessed can't speak much spanish! But Spanish isn't the chosen language in every school here. I think the most common language to learn is Japanese. But there are others to learn, my old high school use to teach Japanese and French. A friend of mine's school teaches Japanese and Italian, and another friend of mine learns German at her school. But I haven't heard of a school that teaches Spanish as a language, they're probably out there though...I just haven't heard of them. I have to wait until another Spanish course comes along though. Until then though the ds is a fine substitute. What's Rosetta Stone?? I have no clue. Oh yeah I was working for my dad but since have....ceased to. He's a mechanic. Mostly fixing and servicing trucks but he does cars as well. I was helping him with some of the cars and trucks and entering job cards into the computer. Job cards just being what he did to the truck and organizing the bill. But I stopped doing that, I don't know why really. But I'm looking for a job again. And also looking into TAFE courses that I'll do next year, while i'm taking a year off of school. But I'm looking at a dog behaviour and training course, that I'm still waiting to hear back from. Which I just have through email. Strange weird timing. I haven't heard of Picnik, sounds like a good program though. I use GIMP, still haven't worked out all it can do though, just started playing with Layers and Paths. Well I must be off, searching for jobs, preparing for exams and researching TAFE courses.....then sims! Adios xox

samcactus101Oct 25, 2009

haha you can threaten real kids anytime too. I don't mind it at all \:D \:D

samcactus101Oct 21, 2009

\:D Lol at your jokes about eating my children (as i don't have any, and probably will NEVER have kids \:D :P) Ok, i'll read your stories AND comment on them

clairepitts1994Oct 14, 2009

I did indeed go and comment back, Mr. Comment obsessed! Oh congrats!! Dance team! Awsum!.....oh geez. I just looked up took the night on have my pity. Not the best choice for the first routine. So your team just learns routines? Or do you all go out performing them? I really hope that that makes sense, I'm kind of brain functionless atm. Oh yeah there was a lot of other 'interviewees' going for the job and yes I could've messed up the question that badly. I went down the completey wrong path with my answer and...anyway doesn't matter now. I didn't particularly want a job there anyway. Oh cool! What belt colour were you? I'm still a white belt at the moment, but I'm going for my grading at the end of the year....hopefully and then I think I'll be a yellow? I don't know so many colours. Empty hands...well that's always good to know. We're doing all this tai chi and energy stuff at the moment, it's really cool. By focusing your energy into the ground you make it nearly impossible for anyone to pick you up. We were also doing pressure points and all this other cool stuff. Ah yes coming towards the end of our year. You're going into winter now, as we're going into summer. I can't wait for hot summer days! The beach! The pool down the road is opening again this year, even though it was supposed to be closed forever a year or two ago. So when's your winter break? I still don't really get your whole system over there. Nice analogy 'dripping molasses' I shall use that one\:P Yeah Japan!! I was jealous myself. It looks like such an awsum place to visit, I'm adding it to my list. Which now goes Spain, Paris, Iran, India (Taj mahal of course), Egypt, Japan, Canada, Mexico, America. I could go on all day. Do you hav anywhere u want to travel? Yeah well sensei emailed everyone in our training group tellling us about his trip and stuff, so it wasn't just like he came over to me telling me that he got drunk on saki lol\:P Yeah the culture of Japan is a good reason, and scenery also. Whenever I think Japan the first thought that pops into my head is miniature bridges and cherry blossums. It is a bit of a random thing to remember ban buku, and yes it was the same japanese teacher and looking back on it now I feel really bad for him. He was a very sensitive Japanese guy, and he really shouldn't have been teaching 12 year olds. Yeah Spanish course, I hadn't done an actually course. The only way I was learning spanish was from a DS game.\:o There was no-where I could learn spanish, until I found one at the local community centre. But I'm not doing that spanish course. The whole group consists of 30yo guys and I don't think my mum was very comfortable in letting me go. So no spanish for me atm, just my ds game. Yes my brilliant logic in getting a job before car. Right at the moment though I'm probably gonna work for my dad, entering job cards of the trucks that he services. Editing pics!!! It is awsum! What programme are you using?? I did notice your especially awsum front cover for Under the Same Moon. How'd your paper end up procrastinator? adios xox

clairepitts1994Sep 28, 2009

Oh I read part 2! It was really good! I don't think I left a comment on it though...hmm I shall go back and leave one\:D Yeah i'm still a bit..with the whole uploading too, I've lost one too many stories down that drain. But breaking it up sounds like a good idea especially with my slow computer. It needs a good clean out! 70% sounds like a pretty good percentage\:D fingers crossed and good luck hope you get it! I'm pretty good.....freakin out a bit, I've got a piano exam soon, except I don't know the date! I feel so unprepared! There's a bijillion scales that I haven't even looked at. Anyway my KFC interview went bad. I didn't get the job, which was a new low, because how good of an employee do you have to be to work in a fast food restaurant. I really stuffed up one of the questions though, now that was embarrassing! Anyhooo, yeah martial arts are going good. We have 2 weeks of holidays at the moment because of school term ending. So our sensei has taken a trip to Japan. SO JEALOUS!!! He keeps sending us emails telling us about his trip. Drinking and getting drunk on saki and what not. And all these cool places he found to train. I'd love to go to Japan now. I should polish up on my japanese all I remember is ban buku tea kettle, don't know if that's how you spell it. And I think it's a story or something, could be entirely wrong of course. All I remember is mocking the teacher with it and it's kinda stuck with me ever since. I'm starting to take a Spanish course! So excited. Haven't started on my car yet, haven't really looked for one to fix up yet though. But I need money first, hence I need a job. So job first then car. It's going to be a long wait.....adios xox

fredbrennySep 19, 2009

Thank you very much for liking my story: When a legend needs to be told! I'm happy you liked it!

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