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joker52455's Guestbook

simboy161Jul 6, 2009

Astonn!! 3 months! I'm SO sorry for not writing, well earilier, but life's been quite hectic! My exams ended at the end of May \:D I hope I did well, the reults go out when I'm away to Tenerife, so I'l be there for 5 days pacing up and down the beach lol :P So, whats the latest with you? Hope you have a good day Sorry for not writing earlier Paul \:\)  

kitfu11Jun 29, 2009

Aww well hello! And I am so not dead XD! Just been really busy with real life... *sigh* I know I haven't written in forever... I had begun what I thought was a good story when AL came out... but at that point the new town wasn't recognized by the story wizard so I got frustrated and quit. lol. Now I'm all into TS3 when I have time... but I have started a new legacy.. and I have been snapping pics just in case I get the whim to publish it... maybe I will..

clairepitts1994Jun 3, 2009

I just got a call from the games shop telling me that I can pick up my pre-order tomorrow!!!! Woooo!!! I don't have to tell you that I got that excited that I played the message at least 10 times....\:\)....9am tomorrow I can go pick it up!!! Can't wait...oh and I think someone is at the door......can't hear any knocking though.....weird. Oh well it must be no-one, was Jehovah's Witnesses, which I hated majorly. My mum and two sisters beleive in it, but my dad, my brother and I don't. It wasn't one day I just come downstairs and go 'hey, i'm sick of this faith....i'm going to try something else' it was more of a gradual thing that lasted years. But I only started with the whole birthdays thing last year. I had a birthday party and well because I wasn't used to the whole concept I felt really selfish. But people are all like it's your birthday, the one day of the year that's just about you. I remember muttering 'about me and a million other people' very happy day that was. Full of sarcasm. It was just about my birthday though, if it was anyone else's birthday I didn't think they were selfish for celebrating the day they were born, trully weird that is. I've never had a christmas, one birthday but no christmas'. It's not like I was never given presents though, my mum just never chose to have an occasion. Yeah it is refreshing to read that after everything that happened to Dave Pelzer, that he could write like that in as much detail as there is. A trully brave and respectable person. Oh that's sooo good to know, now when people start talking about AO I, me, this person typing will know what it is! Trully grateful for that, thanks\:\). Mwuahaahaaa...Prom. It sounds so weird if you say it 10 times, it starts sounding like purrr-omp. I hav way to much time on my hands at the moment. Competition is what makes things interesting, except if there was like one couple that stood out from everyone and was always picked, then it'd be no fun. Well if you always get handed the long end of a stick then where's the fun in that?? Short end stick people are much more interesting. They work for the stick, they bark for the stick, they fetch for the stick....and that is about as far as i'm going with that one....\:P It's raining\:\( and I really wish I didn't look out the window then. So sad now\:\( anyway shrugging that off.....and trying to think of a good topic to change the subject to.....what is FML??? You're jealous of...Frank?? frank???......frank???? funny name frank is. The name Frank always reminds me of an old man, hunched over clutching his cane so he doesn't fall. And coughing and weasing heavily. Then with his free hand stroking his greasy grey hair trying to cover up his inevitable bald spot, whilst smiling a smug smile and saying 'hello darling' wow that went into far more detail than I think was necessary. What did I say? Too much time on my hands. Anyway I got off track with the old man frank that I was imagining. I don't think I could ever be openly jealous of someone, I'm more of the evil looks when they're not looking person. Jealousy is a strange thing. But I am definately NOT jealous of stupid stephanie old friend that bragged, i'll just give her evil looks behind her next time I see her. Okay maybe a little jealous. Well I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now lol jk cya \:D  

clairepitts1994May 27, 2009

I am a smooth topic changer, oh look there's a butterfly, did you know that in a certain country that I can't remember the name of you can't kill butterflies?? What a random law! Like anyone goes out purposely killing butterflies, ants maybe but not poor innocent butterflies with their smugness flyin around like they own they place, why I outta. I used to do the whole thing with the magnifying glass using the sun to get the ants, such a mean child, oh but don't worry the ants got organized and eventually their revenge. What strange dreams you have, not fear! You get to go to Japan in your dream, and I don't go anywhere in my dreams!! They're either at my house or at school, which I still haven't gone back to...yet, the dreams happen in my old school, the last dream I had of school I was throwing darts at this kid's head that was majorly annoying me, random. i'm going back to my lovely high-school in just over a month, the whole thing got delayed i don't really know why can't remember. But the second term of our school year finishes in the 26th June and then there's two weeks holidays, and after that the third term starts, and I start school....again\:P July sometime, 13 of july. O awsum my birthday is closer than I thought!! 23rd Of July\:D But my family doesn't really celebrate birthdays, well they never used to because of their religon, which was my religon before I abandoned it. Or chirstmas' either, but now my dad, my brother and I all celebrate that stuff but my mum and sisters don't, which is weird. I feel like I've missed out on a lot, but I've also had a lot to I guess. well like the good old saying is 'be greatful for what you got' I've been reading this book it's called 'a child called 'it'' by Dave Pelzer, it's sad and slightly depressing, it's all true and written by the guy himself talking about how he was abused as a child. And the things you read, you just never really know about all that stuff, how different some people have it. Anyway onto non-depressing subjects America online is like Internet Explorer??? Internety program thingymabob I've forgotten all my technical words at the moment, but I'm sure they'll return no doubt!! How could they!! What's a prom without competitive-ness very boring! Well yes at least it's just one date! So she asked you? weird, well good luck with miss worse than cruella de ville she sounds like a very.....interesting person, poor Janell. You sounds like a lot of japanese teachers! I've had two jap teachers Mr. joshkwhalkvgnkalkfd I never could get the last part of his name, so we all called him josh. He was the one that we all made cry, I feel bad about my.....involvement in that. But our second Japanese teacher which was actually my first was called Mr. Yummy-bear!! I was like 5 though when he was the Japanese teacher and if he didn't have such a memorable name I wouldn't have remembered him. Mr. Yummy-bear\:P we used to call him Mr. Gummy-bear, after that he started bringing gummy bears to school if we were good little kiddies. So are you fluent in your Japanese?? I'm never going to think of that the same way again!! An annoying friend of mine that coincidently is being home-schooled, messaged me on myspace the other day. I remembered why I didn't like her. You know that you can just tell that something's a bit off about a person?? Well the sirens were blazing with her. She sent me a message telling me how great her life is, and it's just like go away! But she wrote paragraphs and paragraphs and all I asked her was how she was. Which was nothing like how long my thingy's are, hers was soo long, and she just bragged on about herself. You know there's the normal person talking to you then there's the person that overly brags, people who brag annoy me. You just want to...nicely punch them in the face and tell them 'shut up you're not that great!' but I wasn't talking to her face to face so that coudn't really have worked, and I don't think I really would have if she was standing in front of me. Even knowing that I could totally kick her butt. Yes but she kept going on about all these languages that she's doing. She goes 'oh i can speak french, I can speak spanish (i would hav kicked her butt if she said that in front of me, ruining the good name of spain!) then she all oo I can speak with an english accent and american accent.' who brags that they can talk in a certain accent?? How does that fit in with the speaking of different languages. The whole message was bad but the languages thing was I can't think of anything witty to put on the end of that. Bragging about being able to speak with an english and american accent, I think it was more her saying it than the actual thing, like I said she's annoying. I sent her a message back after that, my plan was be as annoying as she was with her bragging thing and maybe she'd get that it was annoying. But my plan majorly backfired. and got more bragging from her side. Anyway I'm tired, has been a LONG day cya xox

clairepitts1994May 25, 2009

I PRE-ORDERED IT!!!! SIMS 3!!! I wasn't gonna but then.. it was there....and I was there, and all the signs were telling me pre-order now, pre-order now, PRE-ORDER NOW! and the sims crazed fan inside me took over. oo where's my receipt.....4th of June it comes out!! woo a week and a half...I think. Oh I'm disappointed now, I was looking at the ebgames website, and it said that the sims 3 was $50, but that was on the american site \:\( it got all my hopes up, then crushed them without the dot a-u. I get a free mouse pad coz I pre-ordered!!!\:D\:D\:D Well I'm off now to stare at my receipt and wait til June 4th *sigh* shame I couldn't invent a time machine, but I suppose by the time I finished it it would be waaay past June 4th, anyway ttu late cya xox

clairepitts1994May 24, 2009

you realised 'sorry for the late reply' seems to have taken the place of hey how's it going? LoL. Oh well, sorry for my later reply, we're getting our kitchen renovated and the power keeps going on and off without warning so it's really hard to go on the computer. I was on the computer before and I lost all my work that I was doing!!!! I've finally learnt my lesson about saving my work!! But thank goodness for microsoft!! It recovered my lost document *phew* Sims 3 omg! I went down to the games store the other day, where the guy behind the counter was really nice to me...weird anyway I was getting a playstation game, which I have to return tomorrow because it majorly sucks!! But anyway there was all these posters for sims 3 and I was looking at them, while the guy's getting the disc for the game I bought.  Then he asked me if I pre-ordered it, I sadly shook my head, and he said you better quick it comes out in 2 weeks. I nearly fainted!!! I Swear it was at least another month!!! But it's not!! When does it come out over there??? I'm going back there tomorrow when I take back the crap game and I'm gonna pre-order it. Oh dam! I forgot to pick up the dog poo!! My mum said she'd give me $20 bucks if I picked up the dog poo outside, is that a good deal or what! So then I'll have $50 and be able to buy it (I'm going halvies with my sister) Yes so pre-ordering the sims 3 has been about the highlight of the week, and I haven't even done it yet. Other than that my life has been pretty boring, eat, sleep, do homework. and the cycle repeats itself. Oh and I forgot clean. My room is just naturally messy I tell you, you can't stop nature!!! Anyway, Prom on a wednesday?? That's not weird. I had my grade 6 graduation on a Thursday, I thought it odd. Because you graduated from the school only to come back the next day. We don't really have prom, we have a year 11 formal in year 11 at our school but it's not like a prom. Do you have that whole prom King and Queen?? Aww what do you keep doing to your date?? Is she your gf? Or just a date? oo what's her name?? sorry questions, just interested is all. The stupid dude that kept calling me and being all nice ages ago is now a ......I can't think of a pg13 name to call him....stupid head hehe yes but he was all nice and everything then all this crap happened, and I think my mum said something to him. But months after not talking, now he's just mean. He went and told one of my best friend's that he loves her. creep. I feel sorry for him though, he seems a bit... SIMS 3 I can't wait to play it. I hope its as good as it looks. I can't wait to download custom content for it. It'll be awsum!!! Very good changethesubject-erer oo I had the weirdest dream last night, me nd my friends were kidnapped by this dude that wanted to kill us, we managed to get free by sqeezing a lemon in his eye, how random. oo the night before that I was getting chased by a giant tv with homicidal intentions weird dreams I have. Anyway, How are you going?? I can't wait to read your....compilation with hellfrozeover, I started reading the times change, I can't remember if I told you or not. But I got halfway through reading all of them. Sorry I wrote so much, but I've got too much free time. Well it's not really free, it's procrastinating time. Which would be lovely and free, if work wasn't hanging over my head. Oh I'm going to beg for a job at red rooster tomorrow. I don't know if you have a red rooster over there, but it's a fast food place that specialises in chicken. Their chicken sucks, that's why I have no problem working there. I thought if I worked at Maccas I'd get put off. But it won't happen with red rooster coz I already know they're bad. I really should get to what I really should be doing. ttu soon \:\)adios xox

tdyanndMay 2, 2009

Thank you for the absolutely wonderful comment on the Andretti Legacy. \:wub\: You're wonderful.

HellfrozeoverMay 1, 2009

Lol I'm Scottish as well, it means "go to hell" etc. Only a bit more TSR friendly \;\)

clairepitts1994Apr 28, 2009

There was a typo there....."You know what that dog did!!! I pooped on a pile of my clothes" I didn't poop, he did. Anyway that's not the point, because I just wanted to send you a link to a video that I was watching on youtube for the *triumphant music plays in background* SIMS 3!!! Oh dam!! I just lost the page, nd my internet keeps stuffing up. Mwuahahahahaaa!!! I didn't think that'd work. Well......i'm off now, too much red cordial and sugar mwuahahahaaa!!!!!!! Adios Astonn!!\:D

clairepitts1994Apr 25, 2009

Ahahahaaa yeah there was no way I couldn't have found you! I'm such a typical girl huh?? I'm not in 'love' with twilight, seriously compared to my friends I hate it lol. I have hot friends do I? hmm should tell them that lol jk. Into romantic movies blah. The only ones I like are the notebook and Tristan nd Isolde, and they aren't horribly romantic. Well Except for the notebook, but that's more sad then romantic. Kind of. All those stupid?? fox and abc shows?? Oh!! Hey some of those shows are good!! nd I'm the only one I know that actually watches them.....but they are good!!....some of them.\:P Yes the house stayed clean....reasonably. You know what that dog did!!! I pooped on a pile of my clothes and kept stepping on it so it smeared all over my clothes and then played and chewed the clothes all over my bed!!! While I was asleep!! I thought I smelt something lol, but I just thought it was in my dream. And he chewed my iPod earphones. Well you should cross off encourage someone to go to college in the US! \:D nd I'll stop watching those college movies, like van wilder. I should definately stop watching movies like that \:P never look at those custard donuts the same way again. OKAY onto better topics, thinking about it too much. YES ANYWAY. God complex teachers are soo annoying!! nd you can do it teachers also. If I can do whatever I want does that mean that I can just walk out of this classroom?? If I put my mind to it?? Isn't that what they're encouraging?\:P You can use the title if you want, I don't mind, it was a pretty good title. nd I can say that without feeling stuck up, because I didn't come up with it. My good friend crystal_89 did. I was going to call it something else, can't remember what that was though. Aww no blog?? *tear* Speaking of blogs Oh!! I'm going to be making a new story *sigh* another one! I'm going to call it 'Kendra's Blog' I actually have a title before the story!! It's never happened before!! Well speaking of stories, I'm on my way to writing the 3 that I currently have going now. lol nd I might start the 4th. Okay ttu soon, adios xox

clairepitts1994Apr 22, 2009

Sorry I'm constantly being interrupted. I've been staying at my brothers house for the last couple of days. They just got a new puppy and I'm the live-in nanny! How great for me *sarcasm* been picking up dog poop and cleaning and disinfecting everything all day. Then I finally get two seconds to myself to go on the laptop, and my mum arrives to pick me up. I had to go back home to have a shower and my music lesson, which I just started. Yes anyway I'm back at my brother's house. Fun Fun Fun. It is really. I'm just in a very sarcastic mood.....weird. Sarcasm has moved on promise\;\) lol. You found your sister!! oh my god, well she found you. 14 years and you haven't seen your sister? That's such a long time? How come you didn't go with her to live with your aunt? You don't have to go into all that if you don't want to. She found you on myspace lol. You're not a very hard person to find lol there's only about 10 Astonn's\:P You're obsessed with what hand people write with? Well I admire people that can pay that much attention to detail. I always wanted to be left handed\:\) my mum and my sister are, and I was always so jealous lol. Yeah we don't have a lot of colleges. I never really thought about it seriously going to college overseas. It's all that's been on my mind the last couple of days. I just automatically thought, no I can't do that. But I realised recently that that's actually what I really want to do. It's weird. Nice cliche. We used to have a subject at school called 'you can do it' it made me want to puke every time. It was mostly the teacher though, she had that annoying talking down to you thing that some teachers get when they think they're on a pedastool. 'oo i'm so great I'm a teacher boss boss boss' well I guess my sarcasm hasn't left the building......or should I say text box. Yeah sarcasm aside, I would really like to go to an american college. I reckon it'd be much better than anywhere over here. Don't some colleges have you live on campus? I have I been watching too many movies lol. I don't think they really have that here, but then again I haven't really checked. Well I'm gonna have a further look into the colleges and stuff\:P OH I read your *tear* last part! I can't beleive it's been up for a week and I didn't know!! The horror. I know that's a line from some movie, I can't remember what though, oh great it's one of those things that's going to drive me insane!! Well I'll talk to you later bubi xox

clairepitts1994Apr 22, 2009

You started a blog Astonn!! WOOOOOO!!!! Ignore the sudden enthusiasm that came out of no-where, I'm in a perculiar mood today. I just read your blog, and I really liked that story. Are you going to make it into a sims 2 story? Disneyworld! So jealous\:P We don't have disneyworld\:\( or land\:\( lol all we have is Dreamworld, Movieworld, Wet'n'Wild world, Sea world and White water world. But they're all in Queensland and I think Wet'n'Wild became White water world, I don't remember. I've been trying to look for old episodes of Pokemon everywhere but I can't seem to find any\:\( lol the only shows that I recognize out of your list are the bugs bunny and daffy duck ones. You know as soon as I say I can't find Pokemon I think of a site and what do I find? Pokemon. I'm constantly being proved wrong i'll finish this in a second

hatshepsutApr 21, 2009

Hi there and thank you so much for the congrats in my guestbook. \:wub\:  It sure was a fantastic experience that I will treasure for a long long time.\:D

simboy161Apr 17, 2009

School is ok (N) On my last few days of easter holiday. I'm doing computing, maths, english and drama to name a few subjects  Moving on to Scotland,.It depends on what you like doing, there is sight seeing the cinema, shopping and the usual stuff you can do just about anywhere civilised The helicopter ride was great, it was quite short but we got to see all the sights. Have a great day Talk soon, Paul 

HellfrozeoverApr 17, 2009

You've got mail \:\)

luckyoyoApr 17, 2009

Thank you for your comment on my story Melt my heart, it's very much appreciated.\:D

clairepitts1994Apr 16, 2009

Oh nearly forgot, watch out for VAMPIRES!!! MWuahahahahaaa. okay i've finished being childish........for now.......mwuaha ha hah haaaaaa

clairepitts1994Apr 16, 2009

Hey Astonn \:\)Oh Disneyworld!!! Everyone's dream!!! or is that Disneyland? Too many worlds and lands doing my head in. Oh you'll never guess what my tivo recorded the other day Pokemon!!!! I didn't even know it was on, good old tivo. It was weird though, they had different characters. The same Ash and Brock, but there was new and weird characters. lol and team rocket!! and pikachu!! lol Just reliving some of my childhood \:P Oh awsum so you've already been accepted! Have fun with the keg parties! lol. My brother brought a mini keg home the other day it looked so cute! How did I get Nicole to be left handed? Was she left handed? I'm going back to check 1 second.........................oh she is too!! lol\:P I didn't do anything, or use any cheat. She just became left handed. I think they ambidextrual <hope that's how it's spelt, and if the word means what I think it means. Yeah use both hands, because now that I think of when they're writing in their diaries my sims using one hand then I tell them to go to the toilet b4 they wet themselves and she comes back and uses her other hand. Kudos to you for noticing though lol. Oh what college do I want to go to? Well there's not a wide selection over here, I think it'd probably just be the closest one, if I end up wanting to go to college. But I always wanted to go to college overseas somewhere. But I just highly doubt that that's ever going to happen\:P Adios xox. Hey when are you going to post the rest of your story?? I'm still waiting for it\:D

HellfrozeoverApr 16, 2009

Either's fine. I usually use Alyx. Nope no PM \:\(

HellfrozeoverApr 14, 2009

Thanks for taking the time to read the first part of "Different Lives" \:\) I didn't want to write again until I had something worthwhile to write about but I like this set of characters so far so it'll keep me busy for a while. Keep an eye out for a couple of familiar faces though! HFOx

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