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joker52455's Guestbook

tykijonesNov 26, 2008

i totally understand it now sorry if i made you angry i will read the next part \:D

clairepitts1994Nov 26, 2008

It's around 2:30 for you isn't it?

clairepitts1994Nov 26, 2008

Of course I'm up lol funny...It's 5.25 in the afternoon and I've forgotten how many hours america is behind\:wacko\: I'm off to refresh my memory. And you'll have to tell me the non watered down version\:P cya

clairepitts1994Nov 26, 2008

Nope we don't celebrate thanksgiving. I've heard of it but what is it exactly?

clairepitts1994Nov 26, 2008

Sorry about my extremely weird and strange message before, I've just been having a few bad days\:P lol guess what.......We just got another kitten!! But not to keep keep, we're just looking after her and worming her and vaccinating her and stuff like house is slowly progressing back to "the farm" \:P lol cya

tykijonesNov 26, 2008

why he was mad at her was that the guy she broke up

beatifullieNov 25, 2008

Hi! \:D NY... \:D \:D \:D Time street!!! Hehhe the USA is very cool.. What? The cold doesn't bother you... *lol* Im ur opposite... Heh Cold very bother me... \:D \:D \:D And What do you lisen? \:D \:D

--(AdAMeK)--Nov 25, 2008

hi..\:\)yes I do a ballroom and too?.....sorry but my english is very low \:D\:D.....but i think that you will be understand me..\:\)

beatifullieNov 24, 2008

Hi! \:D Slovakia....It looks like a bit backwardness..Here aren´t sky scraper, maybe hereinbefore buildings. Tube train are still building (10 years). \:D \:D But I lives in bigger town, It names Martin. But here are a great deal burgs and villages. This is realy mountainous country. But now here is chill...All the time here is cloudy sky and crazy weather. \:D \:D \:D How is it in the USA? And where do you live ? \:D

tykijonesNov 24, 2008

i read them all last night but im still confused \:rah\:

clairepitts1994Nov 24, 2008

oh when i said bit...I meant vet....Okay i'm going now....

luckyoyoNov 23, 2008

Thank you for your comments on The story of my life... It's not a true to life story and i'm glad it hasn't happened to me. Im working on a new chapter at the moment. Watch this space.\:\)

simal10Nov 23, 2008

Hi! And no I'm not Japanese \:D

beatifullieNov 23, 2008

Hi! \:D Thank u for ur comment on my screenshot! Have a great day! ~Martina \:D \:D \:D

clairepitts1994Nov 23, 2008

Okay I'm really sorry for the long message\:o I just had a lot to say.....\:wacko\:

clairepitts1994Nov 23, 2008

I do live in the burbs but I wanted a rabbit and to buy a hutch would cost over $100, and it wasn't worth that much money so I decided to build my own. And seeing how much effort I went to building it mum said I could get the rabbit \:D then I accidently on purpose let my male rabbit run around with the female rabbit and well three weeks later we had 9! extra rabbits lol good times. Now to explain the guide dog, well you can raise puppies from an organization called GDV (Guide dogs Victoria(coz of the state)) so you raise a puppy for a year that has the potential to become a guide dog. At the end of the year the puppy goes back to GDV (because you are only fostering, it's not a permanent thing) and takes temperment tests and other tests, if they pass then they go into training to become guide dogs for the blind. But in some litters of puppies they do an early temperment test and keep some pups entire (not desex them) so then these puppies at the end of the year they go back to GDV and have their temperment and other tests, if they pass them then they go onto some more tests to see if they're breeding material. So Keesha (our breeding guide dog) Passed both the guide dog test and the broody test. So when Keesha passed the broody test we got a choice if we wanted to continue to look after her, because needs to stay at a home for the periods of time when she's not pregnant and not with pups. I hope I explained it properly...\:wacko\: Dogs are pregnant for 9 weeks and Keesha is about 5-6 weeks pregnant I think...She's due on the 19th of December. So a week before she's due she'd go back to GDV, incase she has her pups earlier, it's just to ensure she has the puppies at GDV, after she has the pups she stays with them at GDV until the puppies are 6 weeks old I think, then Keesha comes back to us, and her puppies go off to foster homes when they're 8 weeks old. A translater hmm...sounds like fun! maybe a bit confusing at times lol but fun, I love learning different languages, and I've been wanting to pick up Japanese again. Hmmm pets, family. We have Keesha, black labrador (she is absolutely gorgeous, she has the most prettiest face I have ever seen....on a dog, and beautiful big brown eyes she's 3yo) have another dog, Scruffy! black and white Maltese Shitzu cross, I grew up with him, he's about well next year he'll be 11. I have three cats Kitty black and white 9yo, and Marble tortoise shell and white 13yo. And last but not least I have a cat called Toby! he's my cat and rescued him from being put down....kind of. He's champagne and white, and he just turned one in October. Sorry this is really long\:\( Family, well I have mum, dad, he works at a factory that he owns fixes cars and trucks, I have two sisters both older as I'm the youngest which isn't much fun. Louise is 23 and Melannie is 21, and I have a brother Nicholas he's turing 26 the day after tomorrow, he's been living in London the past couple of years and recently moved back home with his girlfriend (who has the same name as me...which is...weird/confusing) so they have my room while they're staying here for however long that is. So meanwhile I get to stay downstairs in a small room, but the upside is, it has a tv so I'm happy\:\) because I would never be allowed a tv in my room. I want to be a vet someday, I love animals, but if I don't make it there it will probably be something with kids or computers. Or maybe cooking, I always got perfect scores in cooking, lol my friend which is also on tsr (crystal_89) we used to do cooking together at school and we'd always be partners which was good because when it came to cooking we were both perfectionists and everything we made had to be perfect, so we always got perfect scores\:P ahh I miss school. last year my friend left our school because she moved, and I left school that year too (the school we were in wasn't very good and the teachers were horrible) and then I got home-schooled. Which isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Okay tell me some more about you, America and other stuff like that, before I babble off some more\:P cya

clairepitts1994Nov 22, 2008

Hall monitor in a sunday school, sounds riviting\:P I'm looking at snootysims now it's such a good site!! When I saw your name I thought you'd pronounce it ass-ton. I watched paint dry once, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, it was a hot day, and I had just built a frame for a rabbit hutch and it was too hot to paint outside so I brought all the newspapers and such in the living room and started painting. I had to wait for it to dry before I could take it outside and put wire on it, so I lyed down next to it and watched the paint dry\:P I was extremely bored.....but watching it dry was something to do\:D Did you pick being a hall monitor? Or was it assigned? I can not imagine doing 120 hours of...hall monitoring \:wacko\: . I'm about to start volounteering at places like the cat protection society and the rspca (animal welfare organization) and maybe guide dogs, helping walking them and stuff. We've got a breeding guide dog that we look after well keep actually. She's pregnant at the moment. Well enough of me, what about you? hmmm what do you want to be? Jobwise...careerwise and umm an astronaut?? I don't know first thing that came to my head. What about pets? siblings? ummm other questions imaginable that I can't imagine at the moment? Okay i'm off cya\:\)

clairepitts1994Nov 21, 2008

FEBRUARY 20th 2009!!! SIMS 3 IS RELEASED!! I'm reading about the sims 3 at the moment \;\) Awsum there's so many traits I love it. can't wait!

clairepitts1994Nov 20, 2008

OH\:o I never mentioned before \:D I live in Melbourne!! Where do YOU do communtiy service??

clairepitts1994Nov 18, 2008

Community service? I don't think we have that here\:\( sounds like fun! Well maybe not to you but it does to me, where do you do community service?

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