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joker52455's Guestbook

stephanie1225Dec 13, 2008

Lol I was wondering if people thought that \:D No, when I was like 9 my dad made me an AOL account and I put that as my screen name and when I made this account I used it. Lol I realize it's kind of strange \:D

luckyoyoDec 11, 2008

Thank you for your comments on The story of my life....Part Three, Part Four will be out shortly.\:\)

clairepitts1994Dec 10, 2008

Yes G'day mate\:D nobody really says that anymore\:\( I think my cousin moved...she lives in manhattan near, times square....I think, I wasn't really paying much attention when my mum told me. Now that I think of it, most songs are about white christmas's that's weird.......I think there's a few aussie versions to some songs though. It gets up to about 35°C (95°F) here during the summer, cordial! (sugary flavoured drink you mix with water\;\)) Air con!! and the beach! What do we do round this time...well we have like 6-8 weeks off school!!!! We go swimming....go to the beach...have fun doing holiday stuff. What do you do this time of year?? oh!! I have to go, I just found a really good thingymabob on sims 3! cya!!\:D

clairepitts1994Dec 7, 2008

G'day mate! Aww that sucks\:\( No aptitude test! Oh! Don't get me started on the olympic games! I was so annoyed at how they broadcasted it over here! It was so annoying! Stupid tv programming people! They would never tell you when certain events were on, so you'd have to watch the entire day to get 5 minutes of the horse one, my mind has hit a total blank to what it's called\:wacko\: Hmm might have to go to Japan!\:\) I definately want to go to Spain, my Spain is your Japan\:D How is reckon old western?? "I'm gonna tie me old steed on that...pole and I reckon I'm gonna round me up some yellow bellied sheriff's..." Pitiful attempt at western.....\:P I'd love to live in America for a while, and go see all the corny touristy places! I've got a cousin that lives in new york, she lives on the island least that's what I was told. It has to be so awsum to live in America, I mean just having movies come out first there would be great all by itself, but then it has all the cool touristy places in everything! I'll definately have to stop by New York! and see the....statue of liberty! So what about you? any places you want to visit?? Besides Japan\:P what about stuff you want to do? Like for instance, I want to go bungi jumping and go around australia with a few mates on motorbikes! It's cold over there isn't it? It's hard to imagine that you have a cold christmas, but I suppose it's hard for you to imagine a hot summery christmas\:P I'm going to the beach at christmas!! Wooooo!! alright....I'm in the middle of watching a baby moose special on tivo, so I'll talk to you later cya\:D

clairepitts1994Dec 4, 2008

Career aptitude test? Oh! The test that tells you what career you'd be best suited to? I wouldn't want to take that test\:\( Well I don't want a piece of paper telling me that I should be...umm in the military or something random like that (that took me a long time to think of the military) when do you take the test? and get the results? It's like 2:50am there...I think if my calculations are correct...(using time translater...*shh* don't tell anyone) Have fun at school!!\:D If by any chance you happen to read this\:D I wish we had community service here, it would be so fun! But I'm sure after a while the novelty would wear off, but still. I've gotten some cheap travel books recently, and I'm planning a TRIP ROUND THE WORLD!! for when I finish school\:D gonne be so much fun, but is kind of a long time away.\:P gonna go to europe, I have no desire to go to china, well I do want to see the scenery, all the pictures I've seen are gorgeous! France, Spain, London, Canada!! and go all around America!! I'm going to start one of those lists, you know the things you want to see and experience before you die, I reckon it'd be fun! Okay so I shall get a start on my list......cya!\:\)

clairepitts1994Dec 4, 2008

Yeah, well one of those days is usually followed by an extremely happy day\:D but that day ended because the stupid computer didn't do what I wanted it do to!!\:D So now I'm just back to normal\:P and I seriously hope that I didn't stuff up my sims family\:wacko\: I haven't been able to face the 'damage' just yet........I'll do it later. (classic procrastinater) So how have you been? oh! what is the date for thanksgiving?? I was watching a tv show the other day, and they were talking about thanksgiving, and now I get what it's about\:P with the parade and everything\:\) How's school?? fun as always?\:P how many more hours do you have to do for hall monitoring?? sorry with all the questions....\:D cya xox

beatifullieDec 3, 2008

Hi!! \:D Heh.. Slovakishy?? Oh Slovak´s names are horrible but akin whit English names.. or What do you mean whit it? Oh and I don´t know but when you write, it appears funny. \:D \:D Oh I watched Janelle Monae´s video ( Many Moons ) It looks like good \:D although It isn´t my style. \:D Oh.. But " Hostel " is just one movie where Slovakia was mentioned... We are a bit behind hand whit music and movie´s industry. So conseguently I mentioned hostel. I think that Hostel wos to slewed in Czech republic... \:D \:D But we haven´t of such slayers... No, That places like that it,of course It isn´t. \:D So Whats wrong whit ur school and what isn´t wrong whit it ? \:D \:D \:D Hugz

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 3, 2008

yes.....9´s great...\:\)....i learn you\:P

beatifullieDec 2, 2008

Hi! \:D Oh.. Holidays, it´s beautiful full word. \:D And I agree, Time Square and Manhattan are always beautiful around the holidays. Hehe U look like funny.. \:D I don´t know Janelle Monae. I like lisening LM.C and blink 182. They are my best. But I lisen Yellowcard, 30 seconds to mars, Linkin park, MCR, sum-41, Maximum the hormone, Evanesence and flow, too. And anything interesting about Slovakia....Umm...It´s difficult.. \:D \:D So here is only one good band and It´s Lavagance, BTW song Miles is very good. \:D "Realy good" representation wos movie Hostel, for Slovakia. And This all.. I think.. We don´t have more interesting things. And How about you? \:D How do ur school look like? And do you have cheerleaders? \:D \:D \:D

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 1, 2008

yes I do ballroom..\:\)\:\) nine years...\:\)))))

--(AdAMeK)--Dec 1, 2008

requiem of a dream is GREAAAT movie with Jared Leto from 30seconds to you know?\:\)

clairepitts1994Dec 1, 2008

Oh and Thankyou for commenting on my screenie! \:D I didn't notice!\:eek\:

clairepitts1994Dec 1, 2008

I'm not going to quit my Digging Up The Past story\:\) I promise, I just didn't realise that people enjoyed it, you know that when you have a bad day you start doubting everything, well I had one of those. I'm editing the next part at the moment so it should be up tomorrow\:\) Thankyou so much for commenting on my story, it really does mean a lot\:\)

luckyoyoNov 29, 2008

I'm shocked I didn't think my story would get that many comments or views. Thanks for commenting and sighning my guestbook.\:\)

luckyoyoNov 29, 2008

Thank you for your comments on The story of my life part two....I've started working on part three. \:\)

clairepitts1994Nov 28, 2008

I didn't think you'd be up\:P Yeah thanksgiving does sound corny, but it sounds nice too. *sigh* I'd love to have a thanksgiving hmmm. So how have you been? Anything interesting happen to you? Anything with the hall monitoring? \:P lol, it just sounds like so much fun! (sarcasm) That's the most annoying thing about typing, you can't really express sarcasm properly.

clairepitts1994Nov 28, 2008

OH\:o I meant popped!!

clairepitts1994Nov 28, 2008

Yes I think the dogs main purpose when it has a bath is to get you and everything around him as wet as he is. Speaking of bathing dogs I should really wash Keesha......I've kind of been putting it off though. She's sooo heavy!! I can barely pick her up....and now she's pregnant and heavier. She gives you the funniest look when you bive her a bath, it's hysterical. Keesh's only barked once or twice in her whole life? (She's 3) yeah she's a really quite dog......ummm we don't have anything like thanksgiving over here, but christmas dinners are kinda like that. What is thanksgiving celebrating though? It's sounds fun! Well it does if you don't sleep in! lol I should talk.....I got up the other day at around 3ish maybe kind of...anyway enough of my sleeping habits, I'm just not much of an early bird, night owl all the way. Except for the other day when I stayed up all night then I had to go to the hairdresses.....and I was delirious....let's just say it didn't go very well....hmmm I'm gonna start doing kick boxing!! Hi-ya and yeah....hmmm have you ever ridden a horse? I don't know if I've asked you that question before......................okay I may have...............oh well, alright I should be going, otherwise I'm likely to start babbling on about umm I don't know something boring poo! Was the first thing that pooped into my head, hmm have you ever smelt horse poo? It doesn't smell that bad, if it's mixed with hair it's smells alright.....see what did I tell you well I'm off cya

luckyoyoNov 27, 2008

Just to let you know The story of my life part now out.\:\)

clairepitts1994Nov 27, 2008

\:eek\: You know the kitten I was telling you has ringworms\:wacko\: ......we have to bath it in special shampoo and stuff, have you ever tried to give a cat a bath? It's not pleasant, especially since the kitten is a bit feral. It bites and scratches....but it's soo cute! lol we got him yesterday and all day we thought he was a her....the poor thing. It was always oh who's a good girl. Except I kept calling it a boy, and I was always being corrected it's a girl, then I finally got used to calling it a girl only to find out it's a boy, now I have to keep being corrected it's a boy! lol he's soo cute though.....anyway don't forget to tell me about thanksgiving\:D

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