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clairepitts1994Jan 19, 2009

What sites were you looking at??? I don't remember if I asked that question before.....but I'm trying to find some good sites at the moment

clairepitts1994Jan 19, 2009

oh the dam paragraphs didn't work!!!

clairepitts1994Jan 19, 2009

You had 2!! Paragraphs!! I'm so jealous I didn't know you could have paragraphs, the new site is looking better and better, but I still don't like it. \:eek\: I am not a dork.....well yeah I kinda am, but I'm not afraid to admit it. That stupid banner took ages! and it didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. It looks like i'm an obsessed fan of some sort, but i'm not. I just thought it'd look good. I'm going to make a new one, make it like the same, with the freaky eyes that stare at you! But instead of people from awsum tv shows, I'll put sims from my old stories\;\) But cosmo and spongebob stay\:\) hehe paragraph! Oh! What are these websites that you speak of??? All the websites I've found have just been really crap! The only thing I found out was that the sims have different traits and everyone of them is unique and you can walk around the neighbourhood. I can't wait to see how that works, them walking around the neighbourhood and like literally walking down the street, if that's what will happen anyway. Another paragraph!! The sun sets at 5:00???? My gosh that's early! That's like really early, the sun sets around here, it's daylight savings, so it sets around 9, but there's still a little bit of light at 9:30pm. ANOTHER! Paragraph! i don't really need all these paragraphs but they're fun! Don't know why, hmm that's weird. How do you submit a poll?? I was trying to and trying to and it wouldn't work!!! And it was very frustratingly annoying(sp?) my mind is a blank at the moment when it comes to spelling, and it's really annoying!! PARAGRAPH!! okay no more paragraphs after this one. Now I've forgotton what I was going to say, the joyment I don't even think that's a word I think I just made it up. Yeah I would have tried to buy the sims 3 if I had the money on me, lol that reminds me, I went to the game shop where a very enthusiastic guy works, very! enthusiastic, I grabbed a game that I wanted to buy which was prince of persia I think, which might I add is an awsum game! I was waiting in line and he's talking and laughing with all the people in front of me then I finally move to the front, and he's all 'how you going?' 'It's a great day isn't it?' 'Prince of persia that's a good game!' then he started going on about the game and I was having a full on conversation with him on it, while there was people behind me, then he asked me if I wanted a bag, so he got a bag out and put my game in it, but as the game was sliding in my bag, he said 'weee!' like the sound, when your going down a slide, and I'm like okay....that was a bit weird. Then as i'm leaving the store I hear him ask another person if they want a bag, then I heard the 'weee!' again, it was funny as! My problem cat.....which one? geez the kitten that we were looking after that had ringworms, well as soon as me and my sister caught the ringworms then we gave the kitten away. Then my sister and I were trying to get rid of our ringworm, then I gave the ringworm to my other cat. Poor Toby, the cat with the wax in his ears, that I thought was ear mites, and the nothing spot that turned out to be ringworm. We tried a cream that had to go on his spots three times a day, and bathe him twice a week in special shampoo. And he told us to do the same with our other two cats, and the dog. And I don't want to be a vet anymore. We're giving Toby the tablets and we have to take him back to the vet on friday. So it's just so much fun! Pokemon!! I used to love pokemon! When my and my next-door neighbour were kids we used to watch that all the time, I'd get up early and go over to his house and we'd sit and watch it before school. And he got all the cool toys, he had heaps of those pokemon balls, and they had little figurines inside them. The most embarassing thing, instead of calling over the fence 'hey do you want to do something?' no, no we had to call out ' pikka pikka? Pikkachu?' oh my goodness I remember that, you'd reply back 'pikaCHU!!!!' until you got red in the face. lol and we had 'kiddy power' when we used to play football and kick it over the power lines. and if got it over it'd be called 'kiddy power' GOOD LUCK!! On your finals!! Auf Wiedersehen (german for bye) xox

clairepitts1994Jan 18, 2009

Oh sorry I've taken so long to reply! I've been never mind, it's just been crazy over here the last couple of days. I hope you're feeling better though, it sucks being sick, the only good thing is that you get days off school. So it's gotta doubly suck to get sick on the weekend. hmm Pizza fries sound like they might taste good, but I agree with the pizza dog.....just thinking about it is making me feel sick. lol it is mostly about food, well when I go on the computer it's usually at breakfast or lunch time so it's usually the first thing that pops into my head. Oh! yeah I never thought of that, army barracks! That's weird! Barack Obama? Yeah I heard about that, it was televised for a long time over here, poor bush. He was always saying stupid things\:P You'd hear on the news that he'd said something or offended someone, and it'd be hilarious! Other than what I occasionally see on the news....very occasionally, i'm not very political. We've got a new Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, there's just something about him that I don't like maybe it's because he won, and the old prime minister didn't always feel sorry for the loser\:\( Do I bum or butt? lol use both. I did the most embarrasing thing before, I was on the computer and editing pictures I was rubbing out the background of a picture, leaving the character in the middle, and because it was so small I was really concentrating on the computer screen, and everything was really quiet. I was burning a dvd at the same time, and when it finishes burning it makes this really loud melody then ejects the disc. And it was dead silent and the disc finished burning and I was in deep concentration and the sound went off and I jumped about a metre high in the air, and all my family was watching me then they all burst out laughing at me. I got the name jumpy for the rest of the day\:confused\:  I do indeed play the guitar, my lovely guitar, which I love so much and named him Rafael...and I haven't played in ages. That's true devotion\:P Yeah I've been playing for about 3 years I think, no 6 years! My goodness me that's a long time. Yeah but last year I stopped playing and started focusing on my piano. But the piano is slowly getting less played...\:P but I'm hopefully getting music lessons again and progress. Sorry I wrote so much about my music and everything. I love my music\:\) What about you? Play any instruments? I've always wanted to start a band! SIMS 3 COMES OUT THIS YEAR!! You're right only a month and a half!!! I can't wait! I've seen it advertised at the shopping centre down the road. Sims 3 coming soon\:D lol me and my friend saw it on the shelf and we both ran over to it picking it up and jumping up and down then realised it said 'coming soon' lol we were going to pre-order it, but I looked in my pocket to see how much money I had, the sims 3 was $100, and I had 15 cents. It was a very disappointing day. lol\:P I need to get some money!! It's not fair how broke I am, I'm about to go out job begging soon. And hope that I can get some work at a pet shop or a video shop! I went to the video shop, I don't know why I still call it a video shop there's no videos there, they're all dvds now, but anyway I was there the other day, and I saw all the dvd's and everything and they were all out of place, and I soo wanted to grab them and organize them all!! It was a weird impulse but I didn't get around to it, I took a lot of time trying to find videos...I mean dvds! lol I miss videos, they remind me of being a little kid....and sick, the only time I'd watch videos was when I was home from school sick. And I'd always watch the same video, spirit stallion of the cimarron. Now if I watch that movie it makes me feel like I've got a cold \:P The weather here is soo awsum at the moment! All this week the weather's going to be well into the thirties like 95 °F I love summer!!! But I love winter too. They've both got fun stuff to them, summer, cordial air-con and beach, and winter, hot chocolate, fire-place and reading. It makes me wish winter was over here, so I could sit in front of the fireplace drink hot chocolate and read. I'm getting really into reading at the moment. OH! Have you read huckleberry finn?? I'm trying to get it from amazon at the moment. I uploaded the next part to my story!! There's only one part to go after that!! I have no idea how to check if it uploaded properly, I really don't like this new tsr, except for the fact that I have a minisite!! But I don't like the layout of the stories, I like that their bigger, but I don't like the layout when you read the stories. I'm so tired! It's only 8:30pm though and the sun's still up, oh that's a question, what time does the sun set over there?? Isn't it like really early or something?? Anyways I better be off gotta go wash those dam dishes lol\:D It's a shame they can't wash themselves. Well I'll just have to get the dog to help out\:P but that'd be slightly disgusting so I still have to do them, talk to you later adios xox

clairepitts1994Jan 6, 2009

Ahh the vet, healer of animals and bringer of bad news\:\( I thought my cat had earmites, it turns out the black stuff in his ears was just wax! And the small lump on his foot that I thought was nothing turns out to be a big red spot of RINGWORM!!

clairepitts1994Jan 5, 2009

Well if you get a bad hair cut the least they can do is make it free!!\:D I don't think my mum would have done that though, your lucky\:\) Do you say Mom? like m-O-m, coz it's spelt differently here, just plain mum, that's annoying, they should just have all the words spelt the same way, like we should write it over here like mom. Okay rant over\:D You don't put tomatoe sauce on pasta!! eeeww hmmm maybe not, I might have to try that. But our what we call 'tomatoe sauce' is what you put of chips and hotdogs. Your tomatoe like our....I don't know any tomatoey sauces that we put on pasta, well spaghetti sauce? I don't know. So tomatoe sauce is like ketchup! \:D Barrack? Why'd you say it like that? Like it's abnormal or something\:P We use barrack all the time, well not all the time but when referring to sport we do, what team to you barrack for? See it makes sense\:D Hmmm Bagels sound interesting, but I don't think I'd have one for breakfast...but you never know, I shall put it on the list, list of things I want to do, it's above 'go skydiving' and below 'finish that book!' lol, oo crap, I'm well I was sitting on a pile of unstable....very unstable cushions...well someone stole my seat! And the cushions just gave way lol\:P and I nearly wacked my head on my poor guitar. lol and now I've totally forgotten what I was saying. Hey when's part two coming out?? I can't wait!!!\:D Sorry this...comment thing was so short, but I have to go and take my cat to the vet's so I better go, ooroo (lol) adios xox

ProwlerTyloJan 3, 2009

Thank you for letting me know. Have a great weekend.

clairepitts1994Jan 2, 2009

lol I said the sims 2 I meant sims 3\:P I made a witch!!! But I couldn't do it without boolProp, beleive me I tried, it just wouldn't work......\:D aah You fill me with so much confidence to go out ice-skating, not only do I have to worry about other people slicing my fingers off, now I have to worry about myself!!\:P lol I had a haircut not that long ago, I asked the hair dresser who's name was vanessa and she's also my cousin, that I wanted to keep my hair long and straight, and what did she do? She cut it short and made it curly\:\( It was partly my fault too because I sat there and didn't say anything, but I'm sure if I had said something I would have gotten my head bitten off, well what can you do she's family. I don't really like going to pools either, I just liked the 'option' of being able to go, I can 'choose' to go and I can just as easily choose to stay home in the nice air conditioned house drinking cordial and watching tv\:D Aussie expressions hmm there was the one with the cookies, we call them biscuits or bikkies and we don't use french fries lol there just called chips, tomatoe sauce is just like ketchup!! I had no idea! I remember you telling me about the canteloupe thing that we call them rockmelon, but I don't I call them canteloupe and I was reading about it and it's mostly called rockmelon except for victoria and tasmania, that refer to it as canteloupe! Lots of useless information i found\:P oh there was a thing on sarsparilla I found, and it's a type of root beer! Named sarparilla after the sarsparilla root from which root beer is made! You should look up aussie slang on wikipedia, there's too much stuff to list!! The sports bit made me laugh, with the barrack and the- yeah lol. I'm glad you like my story\:D But you hate my story compared to how much I love yours\:P lol I've been watching Madagascar recently. You should try some vegemite, so you can at least've tried it. and you didn't tell me what a bagel was\:P lol The last part!!! Noooooo!!!! OoooOoo what's your new story gonna be about?? ooo can't wait\:D\:D\:D

fionaivriJan 2, 2009

Cool, what's it going to be about? Or is it a surprise? \;\) Happy New Year! \:rah\: \:cool\:

clairepitts1994Dec 31, 2008

I made a witch!! I made a witch!! I made a witch!! AND!! The sims 2 is coming out THIS YEAR!!! Well it will be this year in 16 minutes!! And Vegemite IS a by-product of beer!! That was a bit over-enthusiastic....I had red cordial!!\:D\:D\:D Yeah I asked my parentals, and they said it was and then, then I even looked it up on wikipedia!! It's a by-product of beer manufacturing, and I can't beleive that I just read a whole lot of useless information about vegemite. Kraft made vegemite flavoured cheese! How weird! I should really stop reading, I looked up aussie slang on wikipedia it's so weird.....OH!! Fireworks!!! it's midnight!!! It's 2009!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, I'm missing out!!! Talk to you later!!!!!!!!! byeeeeeeeeeeee xox

NeonAngelDec 27, 2008

i think vegemite is a malt product...not a beer by-product \:wub\:

clairepitts1994Dec 27, 2008

How can you explain's kind of like, you can't really explain's kind of salty....but bitter as well....just a bit, tiny bit sweet....and it's..smooth. I don't know if you'd like it though. We had a french exchange student once, and she tried the vegemite and immediately ran and brushed her teeth about a hundred times \:P lol....she didn't like it very much.....But I don't think it tastes bad....all of my friends like it. I think it's because we all grew up having vegemite, and mum's making tigertoast (vegemite on toast with grilled cheese on top in stripes) lol vegemite...a part of childhood. lol Vegemite and cordial lol. lol bagel! What's a bagel?? Oh! I want an ice skating rink!!! no fear!! I've been ice skating once....but my mum freaked me out when she said if I fell, to get up quickly, otherwise the other skater's with slice my fingers off.....I've never been since...i was 5 or 6 at the time....the weather has just been so awesome here! It is soo hot!! The only bad thing is the pool that used to be at the bottom of my street CLOSED!!!! They're building some huge big plaza and leisure centre. It's going to be finished in 2012!! That's ages away!! 4 years of no pool at the bottom of my street!!! Have to go to the stupid indoor one!! Okay....I've finished being annoyed at the STUPID people that took my pool away\:\( I think I'm going to play the sims now\:D I've had apartment life since it came out and I still haven't made a witch!! You're supposed to befriend a witch, but I tried and nothing happened!! There was no "teach me to become a witch" or whatever that icon thingy was supposed to be, but I've been doing research \:P on it and I think I know how to make my sim a witch!! Mwuahahahahahaaa!!! alrighteo ciao xox

luckyoyoDec 26, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my ugly sim screen shot, I can't remember how it happened now, it was so long ago. anyway I hope you had a good christmas and have a happy new new year.\:\)

DOTDec 24, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

clairepitts1994Dec 23, 2008

You're very welcome\:\)Yes...because of the cordial...yeah it was, how can I explain what cordial tastes's like a soft drink...but without the it, but it actually tastes nice. I can't explain further...\:\( Have you ever had vegemite?? I think I've asked you that before....and if you don't have vegemite...what else do you have on your toast??? I could not imagine toast without vegemite. If I end up going overseas, I'll be smuggling jars of vegemite with me\:P Oh guess what!! as soon as I told you about the crappy weather over here, the weather picked up!! It's been 30(86)degrees here the last two days!!!\:D\:D It's awsum!! OH!!! NOOOO they can't die!!!!!!!! I like that's really nice and sweet. And don't they look so peaceful aww. Christmas is soon!!! The day after tomorrow!!\:D\:D\:D Woooo!!! alrighteo then ttu later adios xox

luckyoyoDec 20, 2008

Thank you for your comment on The story of my life...Part Four, I'm glad you're enjoying my story, Happy christmas to you and your family and a happy new year.\:\)

clairepitts1994Dec 18, 2008

I don't know how, I just notice these things....I think it was because I was thinking about it when he said it, and I realised he said it quite frequently. G'bye?? Yes you're right that is a stupid questions\:P I reckon that'd be annoying, having to say g'bye all the time....I don't really know what I'm talking about at the moment....I'm in a really red cordial...non alchoholic beveragey drink, and I can't spell at the moment least I don't think. You want it to snow, and I want it to stop raining!! We're suppose to be in summer over here and it's raining!!! I'm so annoyed at the weather, we usually have 30o days hot sunny in summer and it's like 19o and wet and cold and miserable\:\( I think I jinxed the weather\:wacko\: Of course we get weekends off!! lol school's 9-3, monday to friday. Classes is usually 9 o'clock home room, then two periods, recess, two periods, lunch, then last period not sure if we have senior trip, I don't think so or it might be called something else. Very's making me yawn...weird. Awww\:\( I want a laptop!! trying to save up for one....but that might take a while...because I have no incoming money\:\( and the first thing I want to buy is Prison Break seasons 1-3, but hopefully they'll be a christmas present!!\:D FUNERAL!!!\:\( What!!?!?!?! Not a funeral!!! I don't want to read it\:\(..........not a FUNERAL!!! I will unwillingly read the sadness of the story adios xox\:D

clairepitts1994Dec 14, 2008

I lost the thingymabob's url, but the site wasn't very good, it looked good but didn't have much information\:\( stupid site got my hopes up...okay I really have to go now cya

clairepitts1994Dec 14, 2008

Sorry for taking a long time, I've been busy with a lot of different things, my mum's at the hospital, she broke her arm and shattered her elbow, she had surgery this morning, we're going to see her any minute. I noticed the other day that my dad says g'day was really weird \:P but he's the only person I've really heard say it! Oh if you look it up on google you can convert the degrees from °F to °C\;\) otherwise you sit there trying to remember the difference between the two\;\) We're going to the beach soon!!\:D\:D\:D dad's gonna take the boat!! So we might be going fishing!!\:D Wooo!! I've only been once! So hopefully he has the boat finished by then!\:D\:D Yeah we have 6-8 weeks summer/christmas holidays\:D coz we have 4 terms, in each term is about 8 or more weeks of school, and at the end of each term we have two weeks off\:D Gotta love our school system\:P So much holidays!! What about you?? Okay I have to leave now, ttu soon adios xox

stephanie1225Dec 14, 2008

Thank you so much for your comment. I didn't think as many people would comment as they did cuz it was just pictures of the characters but I'm glad you liked them \:D

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