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clairepitts1994Nov 17, 2008

\:D You commented on my story!! Thanx I didn't notice before xP What did you think of it?

clairepitts1994Nov 17, 2008

Yeah mate! Vegemite is awsum!\:D it's a spread and I'm going to look up exactly what it is. It is made from leftover brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, and various vegetable and spice additives. The taste may be described as salty, slightly bitter - somewhat similar to the taste of beef bouillon. Vegemite is awsum on toast, I couldn't live without it\:\) Cordial! you don't know what cordial is? it's like a sweet drink, like umm kinda like juice, you put a bit of it in the bottom of a glass and fill the rest up with water. You don't know what a paddock is?? I have no idea how to simplify it......enclosed field?? I don't know. Well I don't know if other aussie's called toasted cheese sandwhiches toastie's but my family don't, we call the just plain toasted sandwhiches. Soda pop lol we call it...soft drink. Such a weird name never thought about it til now\:P Garage lol we don't pronounce it GAH-rige or guh-RAJ we call it a shed, you call trolley's shopping carts? lol shopping carts. I play my guitar\:\) and I also play piano. I've always wanted to join a band, but I just don't know many people that play other instruments. hmmm hobbies\:D Well love horse-riding, I'm gonna start kick-boxing! Not really the whole karate type person, but kick boxing sounds fun. Why did you stop doing ballroom dancing? Some more aussie expressions "fair dinkum" - like umm far out! "Hard yakka" - my 6th grade teacher would say it all the time lol means hard work " hmm I don't get your football? Is it like rugby? Our football is AFL (aussie football league(I think)) and it's played a whole different way to when you see football being played on movies and things. a lot of people i know say "bugger" lol like dam! lol dunny's really australian only some people use it mostly called a toilet. You call Jam Jelly don't you? I find that..odd Jam's not Jelly, Jelly is Jelly but what we call Jelly I think you call Jello. You call mobile's cell phones? (I'm looking up expressions sorry if it's too long) we call diapers, nappy's. and Crib's, cot's. You call petrol, gas? we call strollers, pram's. What do you call band-aids? What about white out? white clearing liquid. We call a bottle of beer a stubby. Do you call tomatoe sauce catsup? wag - skip school. Personal favourite wanker - jerk. lollies - candy. pash - kiss. tracky dacks - tracksuit pants. tucker - food. wog - a medertirranian person. yabby - freshwater cray fish. Okay I'm gonna stop now. I've been writing for a long time, so i'm going now cya

clairepitts1994Nov 16, 2008

I think the reason why I didn't like japanese was because of the teacher, thinking back (I learned japanese in primary school) we were so mean to him, aww I feel sorry for him now, awww now I feel horrible I never thought about it, we made him cry once, he ran out of the room crying, andyway onto happier subjects, we were such mean kids, anyway, nope I don't drive yet\:\( I think the laws for driving are different here to yours, and I think they've recently changed so I would have no clue what age they are now but i think getting your learners have changed to 18 insted of 16 then there's green P plates! green! then there's red! then you get your full license don't know how long you have to stay on each P plate. What about you? I don't know if I have an accent\:wacko\: I suppose I do\:\) Shrimp is prawns I'm pretty sure. I could never imagine a christmas without a BBQ and cordial and all that other stuff, although I do wish we had more snow down here. I've only seen it once or twice in my whole life. Some of my friends haven't seen it at all. Kangaroos!! Couldn't think of anything else, some people think we have Kangaroos in our backyards, well we don't except my friend who does. But we live in the suburbs, and there just happens to be a paddock outside her backyard and occasionally well more often than that she'll wake up with a Kangaroo outside her window. But they're developing houses and buildings in that paddock now so the kangaroos are being forced out of it and a lot of them are getting hit by cars\:\( hmm Australian expressions....I'll think of some and get back to you\:\)

clairepitts1994Nov 15, 2008

Oh\:eek\: I forgot to ask do you play any instruments??

clairepitts1994Nov 15, 2008

Yeah SIMS 3!!!!\:D School's umm probably like any other school but I think our sytem is different to yours we have primary school (prep, grade one all the way up to grade 6) and then secondary school (year 7 up to year 12 but year 11 and 12 aren't cumpolsury) then after that we can choose to go to college and study some more! I guess we're both idiots then, I procrasted all my homework we'd get a project and get say 3 weeks to do it and i'd be up all night with the project due the next day that I hadn't started. I don't think that makes sense but I can't be bothered thinking about the sentece at the moment. I'm learning umm Spanish and French at the moment oh and a friend is teaching me Slovak. But in school we learnt Japenese\:puke\: I hate Japenese sooo boring! What's school your school like? It's winter over there isn't it? Just the opposite over here we have hot summer christmas' with the air conditioner going full ball and BBQ's. Most people are like oh yeah shrimp on the barbi, I don't know anyone who cooks shrimp (prawns!) on their barbeque okay know i'm rambling, can't wait to read the next part of your story! and the sims 3!! I just hope my stupid computer can hold the game! and if it doesn't score! new computer!! or most likely UPGRADE!!! Okay I have to go make some shoebox houses for some egg people i'll explain later cya!

clairepitts1994Nov 14, 2008

Oh I just read all of the McKudon Legacy I, all the parts to it one after the eyes hurt\:P I'm off to bed seeya

clairepitts1994Nov 14, 2008

\:eek\: Oh!! I can't wait for the sims 3!!! That is soo weird I was thinking about it today! It's gonna be soo awsum!! I can't wait!! I've been watching things on youtube and on the sims website about the game and videos and everything and it looks sooo good!! Yes I am reading your stories\:D I've gotten up to chapter IV! So far!! It's a really good legacy\;\) I love how he can hear what your saying it's so funny reading the arguments\:P You're from America? Well that's kind of a dumb question. What part? of America are you from? Well I must be going I've got to destroy a town centre\:P (I'm playing age of empires III) and then after that I'm going to finish reading your legacy. Wish me luck\;\) cya

clairepitts1994Nov 14, 2008

Stupid computers\:mad\: You have life stories? What's it like? I have all the expansion packs and two stuff packs. I love the sims. lol random. Well I best be going to read your stories now\:D I'll let you know if I come up with any ideas\;\) adios xox

clairepitts1994Nov 12, 2008

Well happy birthday! for....November 3! Thankyou so much for commenting on my story Maxwell, I just ended it, the ending was really crappy but my computer is stuffing up and everything which is super annoying!! So you're an official story cridic? wait i'm counting how many rah!!'s i got....3!! I like your rating system. \:D well hope ya have a great day\:D adios xox

stephanie1225Oct 27, 2008

Thanks for the story comment \:D

-kalisa-Oct 9, 2008

You're welcome \:\) -kalisa-

IrnoubaOct 6, 2008

prologue. You always read prologues first. I can understand why it's confusing, since the prologue appears before part one:S i just uploaded part 1 first... I hope you'll like it!! [if you're too bored *sigh* you can only read the first part, the first "page" has a small "previously on..."]\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

sallyhailsOct 3, 2008

Hiya thanks for taking a look at my Money screenshot, I'm glad you liked it. Happy simming\:D Sally\;\)

gtsimsgirl12808Sep 2, 2008

i understand i am trying to adjust to being at school and as a matter of fact last week i had a homework overload but i got help and was so relieved!!!\:\)

kitfu11Aug 24, 2008

Thanks for reading and commenting on "Supernatural" \:D And hopefully one day I'll get around to posting the ending of The DeLancy Legacy. I finished playing through it, I just never had time to write the rest, so I'm thinking of diong a huge mega ending chapter.

deaghAug 21, 2008

Thank you for commenting on my story, 'Catch a Falling Star'. As for making a story out of a challenge, I seem to have the writer's blessing (or curse) of trying to figure out the motivation behind everything. So I of course had to figure out why someone would start on a blank lot with nothing...and viola, the story was born. \:D

tdyanndAug 14, 2008

5 middle names?! ...what?! \:eek\: I only have one 'Dyann'. \:P Like Diane, only spelled way way WAY cooler. \:cool\:

tdyanndAug 12, 2008

T is for my first name. Dyann is for my middle name, and the last D is for my last name. \:D

tdyanndAug 9, 2008

You need to clear your cache. On PC, hit CTRL+F5 together. \:D

HellfrozeoverAug 5, 2008

I think the ending part was needed since so many people write about this stuff but avoid it\;\) ! Anyhoo, glad you enjoyed the rest of the story. Good luck with the internship! HFOxx

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