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joker52455's Guestbook

HellfrozeoverApr 11, 2009

Lol join the club. I've been at a loss on where to start that one myself. I've only really hinted at what might and might not have happened for his family to move (well, TSR wouldn't let me publish the reasons I put in at the time\:confused\: ). I'd love to see what you did with his story though \:\)

simboy161Apr 11, 2009

Hey Astonn \:\) Hope you had a better day today! \:\) I'm not the best person to ask for relationship advice but it looks like you need some space away from each other, then see how things go, ooh a dancing teacher, awesome \:rah\: Anyway, I live in Edinburgh and omg it is sunny again \:eek\:Awesome, and, in about 2 hours Jenna(gf) and I are going up for a ride in a helicopter around Edinburgh, I can't wait!! You should do something stress relieving, and don't worry, I don't feel burdened when you tell me problems, I like to help \:P So what Sims ep's do you have, i have a few, but haven't played the sims since before XMAS, I got appartment life and it brutally murdered my computer, which fyi I turned on half an hour ago and its still starting up\:mad\: So, the word thighy, AL is appartment life i think, soe is SO(So,what are you doing today) and what's the other one...invection...hmm,is it infection, or injection, no idea \:lol\: Anyway, Better clean up the cat sick that's just been deposited on the kitchen floor \:o Bye \:\)

HellfrozeoverApr 10, 2009

I miss writing it but I changed PCs and redid my downloads folder so there would be stuff missing all over the place....I might move on a few years although I don't know how that would go down. Alyx x

clairepitts1994Apr 9, 2009

FRED ASTAIR!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! So are you teaching dance there? or the janitor? lol, sorry been watching too many scrubs episodes lately. So getting a job at Fred Astaire was pretty uneventful? lol. So have you been accepted at Seton Hall? I'm on school holidays at the moment, and hopefully changing schools when the next term starts. That's all the riveting things that've been happening down here. STILL searching for a job, called some places and got some really rude people. But I'm going to do some volounteering at the local animal shelter, and helping the blind and organizing fundraisers for Guide Dogs Victoria. Hope you liked the story! I have to stop procrastinating now. Why is it when you don't want to do something you can find a million things to do, but when you're bored you can't think of anything? Just one of the great mysteries I guess, well ttu later, adios xox

simboy161Apr 7, 2009

Hey Joker Thanks for the comment, thought I had been forgotten by everyone \:P lol Scotland is good just now, its SUNNY OMG lol sorry, we do get excited ! On my easter break which would usually be fun but I have like the most important exams in may and just starting to panic \:o And my girlfriend had gone to Amsterdam for the week with her parents and no mobile phone and im REALLY missing her \:P lol, hows life your way Write back Paul, Simboy161

BBKZMar 22, 2009

Hello \:\) I'd like to thank you for your nice comment on my screenshot. I'm glad you liked it. Have a wonderful day! Barb \:\)

luckyoyoMar 21, 2009

Thank you for your comment on Part Nine of my story.\:\)

clairepitts1994Mar 16, 2009

Ha ha! It has been a month. Wow. That month went quickly, it's a shame really. No not really, just felt like saying it. A dance teacher? That'd be cool. I'd love to learn dancing! I've been watching 'so you think you can dance' the aussie version, and it's very inspiring. But maybe one day. Oh I've been alright I guess. Major homework!! That I really don't want to do, and is really stupid. I'm gonna start doing kick-boxing soon!!! I don't know why I have a sudden facsination with kick-boxing, but...I do. Oh we're looking after a new puppy from guide dogs. He's a 4 month old lab and we're going to pick him up in half an hour!!! I'm excited!! I hope he's like a really hyper lab!! You know just for a change. Because Keesha, (our breeding dog that we look after) she's soo quiet! It just makes you want a really boisterous pup. Nothing else has really been happening, homework, kick-boxing and puppy. lol. Wizard 101. sounds good, Harry Potter, you know I have to be about the only person that hasn't seen the movies or read the books. Although I did see part of the first one, but I wasn't really paying attention, so I don't know if that counts. You know another good game, Age Of Empires III, I've been playing it recently. It's really good, I'm just not very good at it, at the moment. I've been playing it on the easiest setting, and if that's not enough, to know that you're on the easiest setting. They have to call the easiest setting.....sandbox. My sister plays the hardest setting. and i'm on...sandbox. Bit humiliating. lol. Okay we're going to pick up Angus! now, fingers crossed for hyper pup! Oh did you get the thingy that I sent you?? In the private message thing?? Alright have to go now, adios. ttu later cya xox

luckyoyoMar 8, 2009

Thank you for your comment on part eight of my story, part nine out soon.\:\)

BBKZMar 6, 2009

Hello \:\) Thank you for your nice comment on my screenshot. I'm glad you liked it. Have a wonderful day! Barb \:\)

Jaws3Mar 5, 2009

Thanks for commenting on my story! \:D Part Two is out, if you haven't already read it... And I'll update as soon as I come back from holidays! \;\)

tdyanndFeb 22, 2009

Hey, Joker. Thank you for signing my guestbook and the congrats on the Sims 3 Profile. \:D

clairepitts1994Feb 15, 2009

I didn't exactly continue it when I got back did I? lol if you were wondering i didn't ask for a job there. I went with my dad and it would have been too weird if they had of said no with him there. I can't wait til next term!!!! Oh i'm unpacking because, when my brother moved back home whilst looking for a place of his own, he was staying in my room, and I moved into the spare room downstairs, and he has since moved out so I'm trying to get all my stuff organized and move back upstairs into my room! I don't know my room has a different feeling about it then the spare feels more....mine. lol.  Yeah I don't want to be a vet anymore, my childhood dream doesn't look like it's going to be a reality. I don't know why. When Toby (my cat) got ringworm and I had to put the cream on his spots and bathe him twice a week, something just clicked that maybe that's not what I want to be doing. So for the time being I don't know what I want to be. I'm looking at a job seeking website. Ooo I could be a factory box packer!! Now that's something to aspire to. Sorry I'm in a very sarcastic mood...very. I might just get some money baby-sitting for the moment. Oh the funniest thing happened the other day. I was at the park with my sister and our dog Keesha, she's a labrador and she's really quiet and I mean really quiet. She's probably barked once or twice in her whole life. She doesn't make any noise, well apart from farts which could knock you over if the wind was right. Yeah but anyway we were at the park with her and we'd been there a while, well it wasn't a park it was an oval. Well I looked past my sister who was playing with the dog, and I said to her 'There's a crowd of running people coming straight towards us' she started to turn around thinking there'd be 4 or 5 people running this way. But no that's not what I meant, I didn't mean 4 or 5 people, I meant a crowd. She turned around to see maybe 45-50 people running straight towards us in a cloud of dust. Keesha turned around too to see, the people which we then found out were football players. As the got closer Keesha started growling, then did a really deep loud single bark at them. It was so funny. lol rofl, ahh you had to be there. Okay I better be going now, I hope all is well. ttu later adios xox

clairepitts1994Feb 11, 2009

I the school term to end so badly!! I'm changing schools then. And I get to be the 'new' girl, which is going to be so much fun. I've never been the new girl before, and the only thing I'm worried about is that I wont know where anything is. I can picture walking in a classroom and everybody stops and stares at me and I'll be like 'is this the room I'm supposed to be in?' and they'll all say 'no it's next-door' like i'm supposed to automatically know. Apart from that I'm super psyched! June 4th!! Oh well it's not that bad. I'm working on the last part of my story at the moment. I agree at how stupid the story section of tsr looks, I don't know if it's just me but it seems REALLY boring to read the stories on version 7. OH NO!!! IT'S GONE!!! Version 6 is gone!!! If you typed in tsr version 6 on google you could get back to the old site, but now they've taken it down!!!! You have to post the last part! It's like the last part, you can leave it like that!! Poor Zelda being neglected like that. Lucky you having a computer in your room! I used to, but it was one of those really old computers. It was my dad's old work computer, and it was super slow not to mention it had heaps of problems, I eventually got sick of fixing it all the time. I'm saving up for a laptop though. Well I haven't started saving yet, because I have no money coming in! But I've been...thinking about saving for a laptop. I'm going to go to the video shop in a couple of days, and ask for a job, I say 'a couple of days' not tomorrow lol I haven't gained up enough courage for it yet. But the next few days....maybe next week.  I'd either work at the video shop, or a pet shop. They offered me a job once, the pet shop. I walked in to get some hay for my then guinea pigs and the manager guy asked me if I wanted to work there. Okay I have to go to the video ironic....i'll continue when i get back.

luckyoyoFeb 10, 2009

Thank you for your comments on Part Seven of my story, I'm glad you guessed right, I hope I can keep it interesting for you.\:\)

clairepitts1994Feb 9, 2009

WOO!! Congrats!! on getting into St. Johns U!!! I'm not sure if we have AP classes...I wouldn't know. lol sorry I'm trying to avoid all things school related, so I don't have to think about it, and it was working quite well lol. The creature stage!!! It was so obvious now I feel so stupid, of course it was creature stage!! lol. Kingdom hearts sounds interesting....might have to hire it from the video shop. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is my favourite one. It's also the first one. I'm started playing the second one the other day....and it just didn't seem as good. WHAT!!!! WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!!!!! JUNE!!!!! NOOO!!! NO!! NO!! NO! They can't!! how!! how dare they!! June!!! That's ages away. *sigh* I was looking forward to it coming out this month, damn stupid damn sims. I'll just have to wait....and wait...4 whole damn months! I'm saying damn a lot, which is weird coz I don't usually....odd...strange.......w..e...i...r...d.....Yes you remebered correctly it has been hot round here. There's been heaps of fires around victoria, and it was the hottest day ever on saturday, it's been the hottest since records were first started. There's been heaps of fires around where I live. very very close. There's been I think over a hundred and fifty deaths since the weekend. and there's still a lot of fires burning. So they're still trying to put all the fires out, and start to identify the bodies. It seems so surreal that so many people have died. The sky the other day was grey from all the smoke like...Okay i'm going to change that subject because now I'm thinking about it too much, it's really sad what's been going on though there's heaps of news broadcasts of the fires and the people that have lost families and friends, I can't imagine what they're going through. and now to change the subject  I can't think of anything. First thing that'll pop into my head. ummm did I tell you that I'm not going to be a vet anymore?? My lifelong dream has been flushed down the toilet or to be more australian down the dunny. Alright well I have to be off. I've got some unpacking to do. ttu later au revior xox

clairepitts1994Jan 31, 2009

What I wouldn't give to be bitterly cold.Yep I've played spore!! I nearly forgot that we had it! I've gotton to the galaxy part, but I haven't found the centre at least I don't think I have. I probably haven't. My favourite stage was the now I've forgotton what it was called but the one after the cell stage when your walking around looking for food and making friends\:\) lol I liked to get a baby creature from another pack thing, and then it would follow me around. It was soo cute! Kingdom hearts, I think my brother's got that on his ps3...what type of game is it?? As in what do you have to do?? Speaking of playstation games that I didn't speak of before...because I...forgot them...have you played prince of persia?? I've conked that game and i'm on to the second one. There's gonna be a prince of persia: sands of time MOVIE!!! I can't wait!! except I hope that it will be good....Jake Gylenhalle can't remember how to spell his name and not going to bother to try and find out, he's playing the main guy! And I don't think it'll turn out all that well.....for one thing he's too old. He's not old but he's too old for the part. And you probably don't know what i'm talking about. oh well never mind. I should go and write the final part to me story, I just really can't be bothered. And I hate the main character at the moment, she's really selfish. There's no way that I can think of to write it, and have her not looking selfish. and it's annoying me, so I've been putting it off, and off, and off. It's getting closer and closer to sims 3 coming out!! Okay it is now getting unbearabley hot and it's disrupting my thinking and such, so I'm going to go and find something better than writing my story to do.....and then not think about my story....\;\) and then I'll forget all about it, then it will be ages and ages and the people on tsr would have forgotten about it. But deep in the back of my mind I'll remember that I haven't finished it. And I don't know where I was going with that or the point of it.....I think it was that no matter what I do it'll always going to be there....i don't know I said it was hot and thinking not working properly. hmmmm....I might go play spore......alrighty that's what I'll do....adios ttu later xox

clairepitts1994Jan 30, 2009

I just read all the sims stuff on that site, and it's awsum!! I really can't wait anymore for sims 3 to come out!! Sorry I haven't written back in a while.....My computer was having issues with all the heat that's over here! Do you know what the temperature is over here!! It's ridiculous!! It got up to 113oF!!! It's just under that at the moment. All the air conditioners are going full ball and there's been a lot of fires. And a lot of blackouts. Aww and two dogs at RSPCA (animal welfare organization) died yesterday because of the heat.\:\(  it was very sad. Aussie open!! The people on the news were all telling us in this heat that we should stay indoors and keep cool, and not to do any excercise because it's too hot or something, but they still had the people playing tennis! and there's been a lot of complaining about the roof of the indoor place where they're playing the tennis. Because being the temperature it is, they should close the roof, but they haven't, they keep saying that if it reaches a certain temperature then and only then should we close the roof. I feel sorry for the poor tennis players. You can barely stay outside for 2 minutes and they're playing in the heat stupid roof operating people. I hope Rafael Nadal wins the open, he's my favourite! and he's spanish! Everyone's says sure choose the good looking one as your favourite, but I don't reckon he's that good looking, he's just really interesting to watch, he's really superstitious (sp?) when he's serving he bounces the ball a certain number of times and it's always the same number of times (can remember how many) then he picks his hits the ball. But he always does it in exactly the same way. Then in between games when the players are getting drinks and stuff. He has his two water bottles and takes one sip out of one then puts it back on the ground, it has to be in the exact same place then he takes a drink from the other bottle and puts it back in the same place and he stays there fiddling with them so they're in the same place. I'm talking about tennis a lot, but between that and the heat there's really nothing else that's been happening. Coz you're staying inside most of the time.....trying to not get bored. I've been playing a lot of playstation! Have you ever played driver 3?? I've almost conked the game!...almost I can't progress past this stupid point, because of the stupid other people that keep coming out of nowhere! and...I smash into them....have you ever played SWAT?? That's another game i'm trying to conk got one thingy left on it. Sorry that this post is kinda boring, me talking videogames lol. I'm hot and tired and it's really gross and sticky in this house. From all the humidity outside. OH there's no..there's only straight hair for the sims 3\:\( oo now you can do other stuff while holding a baby!! I hope the toddlers won't look so ugly now, I mean if you have two different looking sims and they have kids the toddlers always look really ugly and I can't explain it, but it's only the toddlers that do that. They can now go to the hospital!! Oh that's awsum! I remember playing the sims2 for the first time with my sister, and the girl was pregnant and she started to have the baby, and me and my sister were freaking out because we didn't know what was going to happen if we needed to ring the ambulance or something lol. You didn't know any girls that were into pokemon....well now that I think of it I don't remember a lot of girls trading pokemon cards. Yes they were into barbies and ponies. I was never really into that stuff, I remeber in grade 3 all the girls would be playing fake homes and pretending to be horses and other things like that, and I was playing footy with the guys. I especially loved the mud! we had a hill at our school and when it rained it got all muddy, and it was soo fun to slide down and get filthy dirty, and of course most of the girls turned their noses up at it. Okay the sun setting at 5 o'clock is weird, that's soo early! There'd be like hardly anytime to do stuff. Guess what! I found my prison break season one that I lost!!! It had been missing for over a year! and it turned up the other day!! Just turned up! After me frantically searching everywhere for a year it just magically turned up on my pile of stuff on the stairs...inside stairs. Because even as I was saying it I was thinking of outside stairs, but no, inside stairs. It'd be a pain in the butt to have all my stuff piled up on the outside stairs, the outside cats would wee on it, without a doubt they would. But my cat Toby wouldn't. Because he's an inside cat and wouldn't be able to get otuside. Okay it is really hot and stuffy now, so I have to go and have...cordial and sit in front of the air conditioner au revior xox

iZazuJan 26, 2009

I want to thank you for the nice comment you gave me about my lot, HGTV Dream House! I really appreciate it. I hope you have a healthy/wealthy sim family living in it. Enjoy it! Linda\:wub\:

luckyoyoJan 24, 2009

Hi, just to let you know that I will no longer be continuing with the story of my life due to the new website deleteing The story of my life...Part Six, I was going to continue with Part Seven but it doesn't make sence if there is a chapter missing, so anyone new reading the story won't know what happened, anyway sorry about this and thank you for your great comments I wouldn't have continued without you they kept me going.\:\(

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