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TeenIdolSep 17, 2009

Thanks So Much For Commenting On My Story Labels Or Love ! \:\)

tdyanndSep 15, 2009

Yes, actually...healthwise, everyting has hit a plateau...which, from what I hear, is a good thing. \:\)

tdyanndSep 13, 2009

LoL ...thanks for signing my GB. Your comment made me laugh. It'll keep going until Z as long as there are people to read it!

tdyanndSep 12, 2009

Hiya! Thank you so much for your comments on the Andretti's. \:wub\: Sometimes I get bored with the story, and I must do some random changes to keep myself interested...and thus, you notice all the 'new' stuff happening. \;\)

clairepitts1994Aug 27, 2009

Hey, well tis a good ear's itchy..weird. A whole company that sells kitchen cutlery...just kitchen cutlery? I'm not could be a rhetorical question....maybe. That sounded like an awsum job though, oh well. So what happened with the Fred Astair (sp?) dancing place, didn't you get a job there? Oh speaking of jobs, I have my very first interview ever, with KFC on Saturday. I feel impending doom, I just know I'm going to make a complete idiot out of myself. Something will go wrong I am sure of it, whether it's a trip and fall flat on my face, or I forget to brush my teeth and I breathe garlic breath all over my possible employer.....note to self don't eat garlic! Hmm that's probably a good note to have. I should print it off and stick it to my forehead. Oh orientation! When does school start? Happily ever after! Least you met some awsum people! Awsum people...are awsum. You have intrigued me with this...'secret pet project' I must know at once! Whatever happened to the prologue for....times change even in farmville?? I read that whole series, took me ages but it was really good. I need a prologue now, then it will be complete!\:D Driving test? What age do you go for your driver's over there? I'm having a strange sense of de ja vu, I think I've asked before....anyway still. Umm....something new with me...nothing really, just same old same old. KFC interview....Oh I started taking Martial Arts! Zen do kai!! It is awsum...I now know how to snap someone's shoulder blade if they throw a punch at me. That's about it really....oh and I've started helping out my dad at his factory (mechanic) trying to get some knowledge of cars, so I can eventually build my own, with his help of course. But I think it'll be awsum to have a car that you built from scratch. So money I make from KFC (if I get the job) will go towards car parts. So exciting even thinking about it! Adios xox\:D

clairepitts1994Aug 21, 2009

Ah just doing the rounds thanking comments and what not, so thanks for your wonderful comment you left on the second chapter to my story 'good vs. evil' i've just published the next chapter so it's on the site now, hope you enjoy! I've spent 40 minutes writing thankyou back brain hurts. Anyhow how are ya? How's stuff going at st. johns?........

SandraRJul 25, 2009

Your welcome, and have a nice weekend!!

clairepitts1994Jul 24, 2009 code\:D

Little Cloud Jul 23, 2009

uOkay, thanks. I just tell everyone else who asks that it's a special word. And that's really cool that you take Japanense class. That's actually the language I want to take, but they aren't sure if they will offer it at me school or not \:\(. Anyways, looking forward to reading your story. Tell me when it comes out, okay?

clairepitts1994Jul 23, 2009

umm....MPXVQFJC lasts for...48 hours so add it before....then:P

clairepitts1994Jul 23, 2009

Well I thank your inner berating foreign language teacher! Firstly I just copied and pasted the konichiwa from the japanese you sent me so neerr *pokes tongue out* secondly.....umm...I never learnt Italian...more of a spanish person\:P and thirdly...oh..ahoj is Slovak!!! I can speak some slovak....ako sa mas? and mam sa fajn. Just asked how I was and told myself that I am fine. There was a really nice guy here at tsr that taught me. Furthing my knowledge with languages. Seriously foreign languages are awsum!! I'm going to start learning Japanese, on top of French and Spanish......You thought they looked nice!!! I'm sorry but their faces were way too wide, and all the guys I made in it looked REALLY queer. No matter how many times I tweaked it!\:P Yeah a year is a long time, but tis just a rough estimation....I may go down the street tomorrow and buy it....probably not but it's possible. HAHA you'd make a good evil scientist, I mean what else is there to it but laughing evily and failing to take over the world? best gig ever! You know only in an alternate universe(?) could I become a crazy bird lady that runs around in circles and hoots. I am proud to say I drew a crowd though. I didn't get the game....well I did kind of but I didn't have any of those blue things that you need for dueling, so I found a circle and starting running around it. You know in the simpsons how homers spins on the floor and goes 'woop woop wooop woop' or something as such. I couldn't write it properly because of the stupid spelling things. So I ran around in a circle going 'woot woot woot woot' and everyone thought I was trying to impersonate an owl. You know there is some strange people on that game. I really felt like the only sane one there and that's really saying something. I noticed you could have taylor swift though, but who wants to be taylor swift? But you need to be on when I'm on....and there's no way I'm waking up early. Well it'd be 7:30am where u are now. Because it's minus 14 hours....isn't it? Anyway I'm an old night owl. Anyway I was trying to woop not woot, it's not my fault they all thought I was an owl. Not my fault they had nothing better to do than crowd around and watch. I'll get a new code as soon as it finished downloading world data or something it's doing now. You saw the title on wikipedia? and yet you didn't say what the title was??\:P Well I was planning on saying what a bogan is but I completely forgot to add it in there....i got lost on another thought. Yeah but basically it's like a bum, more trailer park though. I don't know why trailer park is supposed to be so bad, when I was little I always wanted to live in a trailer park. It's just always seemed like a fun place. Ugg boots aren't ugly!!! Although I don't really care what they look like as long as their warm. Okay I've never heard of ugg flops....their just like fluffy thongs, flip flops I mean. Sarcasm is often misleading, I had a teacher once, he was an awsum teacher, he got fired recently sad. But anyway he'd try to say something sarcastically but you could never tell it was sarcastic. I really don't know where I was going with mind hit a speed bump and I lost all control. Well I'm glad I made you're day\:D I really don't see how he could get heaps of girls. I'm sorry I just really don't see it. Oh I said I asked my friend before what she thought of him she told me before that she changed her mind, after staring at the picture for ages she said he looked ugly. No shallow blondes here nope sir-ee bob. It can get kind of annoying though, how shallow some people can be. But you're name is so original!! It's unique!!! It's awsum! You can't change it. So you stop hoping there!! Okay that may have been a new level of blonde....but well....I'm going to blame it on....I had no clean clothes that day so it impacted on my thought capabilities. and that's the story i'm sticking to\;\) I commented on your story it was awsum!! Come on 12 points is a lot!! and it's actually 13 now...well before when I posted my comment. Could be up to 14 now!!\:D I'll give you ANOTHER code for wizard101 as soon as I get into the game. Adios xox

stephanie1225Jul 23, 2009

Oh idk, I really don't think I could write a story with out all my cc I use for sims 2.

Little Cloud Jul 22, 2009

I've  been dancing ballet for seven years (ish, give or take a few months). But that's cool that you dance both ballroom and latin. What's latin dancing? (I've never heard of it before \;\)) Like the new word you invented; gotherina. If you don't mind, I think I'll use that from now on. So, I impatiently await part two. \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\: P.S. Thanks for the correct spelling. I take it you've seen the movie as well?

genalicious2387Jul 22, 2009

your welcome hunn \:rah\:

clairepitts1994Jul 20, 2009

I've got a code thingy for Wizard 101! \:D 2Y5KNNVC and I really hope I wrote that down right.....:P

clairepitts1994Jul 19, 2009

こんいちわ, AHOJ, Hola...Bonjour...and I think bonjourno? Never really learnt italian but they do make great food. I know, I sent it back!!! Well your sister knows what she's talking about! I let the little things that weren't quite right with the game bother me. And I really didn't like how they looked!!! That was the main thing. Oh and there was no love! You can tell when the game creators put love into their game and the sims 3 had no love. It felt to me like it was just a money grabbing scheme. But you can't please everybody, and I'm happy with my sims 2.\:D Some of the things in it were really cool though, and I might just wait a year or something and get the sims 3 again when the price has come down nd there's more cc to download\:P FML is slowly making it's way round here. It is the domino effect! I told me friend and she told her friend and that friend told another friend. So now most of the people I know have heard of it now. How cool is that?? You could slowly see the dominos falling. Wizard 101....I cannot remember what I called her. Christina.....Swifthaven. Now I have no idea what I was on when I chose that name, and might I add she looks mighty ugly. Yes time difference, oh well. I still haven't properly worked out the game! Speaking of games I have found an awsum game! Infamous!!! I hired it yesterday and was playing it all night on his playstation 3! It's a shame I only have a ps2. But hopefully I can get a ps3! One of these days...perhaps. Reckon, I still don't see it as a cowboy-y thing. The Outsiders?? That is some weird co-ink-ee-dink. My friend and I hired it from the video shop the other week and watched it, got obsessed with Dally, and now it's all she talks about. Matt Dillon. Sadly admit I'm in the same boat as her lol. There was just something about him. Anyway enough of my teenage girl adorations for actors that are now like 50. Just so it's clear we liked him then...THEN not now. But I didn't notice them saying reckon. I'll have to watch it again, aww that's just too bad. Yes I don't beleive anything for the moment. I am completely without it. A very plausible debate I make indeed! Yes I do live in Australia where you are mostly considered a bogan if you wear ugg boots. Bet you don't know what a bogan is. Yeah but it's a shame that they're not considered very fashionable, but I mostly wear mine around the house. Yes skip frank and the short stick stuff, but I made a 'very plausible debate' not really but I just wanted to add it in again somewhere. I'm pretty sure that the prom stuff was sarcasm....I can't tell anymore. I agree my mind is a scary place....I creeped myself out before with the old man Frank thing running around in there. I could just picture it so clearly. *shudder* I must say I did check out normal Frank, and I can see a bit where some girls might find him attractive, but for me personally I don't think he is. I asked one of my friends what she thought, to see if it was just me, she told me he was okay, but I could do much better. After explaining that's not what I asked, she said that he wasn't like omg cute but he'll get by kinda cute. Her words not mine. Definately her opinion not mine. lol. Yeah I've known people sadly called Michael. That coincidently I want not wanted to punch in the face. Every dog has his day though. But it's a popular name. Haven't known too many Kristina's though. You can't change your name!!! It is an awsum original name!! Who cares if it is an easy target. I find most people don't have that much imagination now anyway. I used to get crap about my last name, 'arm-pitts' was always a winner. Then that one past and came in 'claire pitts has big t**s' made up by one of my best friends. OH!!! I spent ages thinking of the LNB things and it just clicked. Having a very blonde moment. LNA that's a weird last name rofl\:P Hmm LNA and LNB, they're so similar why would it matter if you kept it LNB it'd just be one letter different\:P Okay enough of the running with the blonde moment. I swear I'm not that blonde!! My brain is tired from all the non using it I've been doing this past weekend. It seems like a lot of paper work though for your LN (used the acronym to prove I I hope the story gets up on this site though, fingers crossed that the disclaimer idea works. I should go continue writing my evil good story, before it gets too late. ANd I pass out. jk lol. sayonara xox

kanzenJul 19, 2009

huh?...*cocks head* I haven't commented or read any of your stuff o_o

clairepitts1994Jul 17, 2009

I know it's been ages!! What's new with you??? Oh yes sims 3 pre-order well I sent my game back to the store for a refund. I wasn't a big fan of the sims 3. But that was AGES! ago, i'm over it now.  I might buy the game again if it comes down in price, but for now i'm sticking with my precious sims 2. Oh my gosh! I went on FML the other night, I read so many, just one after the other. I couldn't stop! I think I ended up stopping though on like page 25. But that was mostly because it was 3 in the it is now....well 3:25 to be exact. Oh I downloaded Wizard 101 before and started playing it, it seems like a really good game. But unfortunately I wasn't in the most patientest of moods and I got really annoyed that I couldn't speed up their I'm taking a break...for now. Shame I don't know any Reily's, that would be trully weird if I did though. You know how much I realised how many of my friends say reckon?? I notice it now. I don't see how reckon could sound like old western though.....I just can't picture the word in with all the..other stuff. Yes conversation on religon.....what a fun subject that is. Yeah it's the same for me, I can't beleive in something that there's no proof of. But it really annoys me too how some people are all about evolution, not the idea of it but I mean it's called The THEORY of evolution, and they teach it in schools as if it's fact, all the stuff hasn't really been proved. But religon and beleif is always a touchy subject and people have a right to their own veiws. ANYHOO! yeah presents were usually just random not for an occasion and I don't really remember them....weird. Oh wait I said before I think if I can use my brain remembery thingy that I hadn't got many presents well! I remember getting a pair of ugg boots for christmas 2 years ago! Okay now that sounds kinda sad, but I assure you the ugg boots were a very happy occasion, and rather strange because it was the first christmas present ever received. Onto changier subjects, PROM! you make it sound so fun. Anything interesting happen? Oh yes short stick people.....didn't they just....get...the short straw with that one? (my mind has left the building) But the short stick people must unite and combine those sticks to make one moderately normal sized stick. And then use the wand to make the people pay and I KNOW what i'm talking about and I'm sure that's all that matters.....yes it has been a particularly crappy week and it's all just catching up with me. Well your welcome for the visual of Frank. The mind is a scary place my friend. Especially with that old man Frank running around. You know I wonder if that picture of Frank it my mind is an old memory I've tried to wipe from my mind.....and it's like somehow coming back....but not as a memory. Anyway good to see you buried the hatchet! Oh names popular round down here......umm....I'm not sure if they're popular but I've known a lot of Daniel's....a lot of Mathew's there has been a lot of Mathew's.....Taylor's....Sean's....Declan's, I can of any other guy names but girls...umm..Sarah oh my god don't get me started on the Sarah I know!! Ally....Bree....I've known a couple of Claire's now that is trully confusing and weird to say your own name out loud but to be addressing someone else. Anyway that's all the names I can think of, more than 5 people I know for each of them I think. But I don't know how popular they are it could just be that I live in the part of the country with a lot of Daniel's or something you never know. Oh I read your "Under the Same Moon" It was REALLY good!!! I hope you post up more (I read it on the sims 3 site it worked on there) I really want to know what happens next, and I can see you having trouble putting the story up on tsr without modifying it. Oh and I just read the comment you left on my Good Vs. Evil story!! Yes they are original indeed!! I must be going to sleep now because it's 4:05am and I have to be getting up at 9am if not earlier to drop off resume's and help my mum with some stuff and there needs to be a good couple of hours sleep to look happy and bubbly and fresh when I drop off my damn resume's! Saturdays are there so you can sleep in.....yes so ttu soon, Adios xox

clairepitts1994Jul 9, 2009

That sucks! I'm trully bummed it didn't work!

clairepitts1994Jul 7, 2009

ya kinda sent me a blanketty blank blank there......

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